
  • 网络Input Node
  1. 单击Response选项卡,把输入节点直接连接到响应节点

    Click the Response tab and wire the input node direct to the response node

  2. 包含File节点(无论是输入节点还是输出节点)的消息流与文件系统本身之间的交互不是事务性的。

    The interactions between a message flow containing a File node ( either input node or output node ) and the file system itself are not transactional .

  3. 确保在消息处理期间输入节点的转换模式设置为“NO”,输出节点设置为“Automatic”。

    Ensure transaction mode is set to'NO'for input nodes and'Automatic'for output nodes during message processing .

  4. 第2部分:在输入节点i和输出节点n之间权系数改变,如下所示

    Second part : the weight change between input and output nodes , I and n , is

  5. 与以前的IntegrationDeveloper版本一样,空仲裁流选项创建一个具有输入节点的空流。

    The blank mediation flow option creates an empty flow with input nodes , as previous versions of Integration Developer did .

  6. 输入节点(原语)将传入消息分析为其他MessageBroker节点能够处理的内部形式。

    An input node ( primitive ) parses an incoming message into an internal form that other Message Broker nodes can process .

  7. 该模型将输入节点的竞争共振机制引入到输出类别节点,采用输入节点和输出节点双重竞争共振机制,形成了一种新的模糊ART结构,解决了传统模糊ART网络记忆不稳定问题。

    This dual competition and resonance technique for the input and output nodes establishes a new Fuzzy ART neural network structure to improve the memory stability in traditional Fuzzy ART neural network s.

  8. 这里,a是此节点的序列号,b是第一个输入节点的序列号,而c是最后一个输入节点的序列号。

    Where a is the serial number of this node , b is the serial number of the first input node , and c is the serial number of the last input node .

  9. 在这种情况下,将输入节点与一个名为id的节点相比较,id节点的子文本节点由传递给函数的Name字符串构成。

    In this case , you compare the input node against a node named id that has a child text node made of the Name string passed in to the function .

  10. 本文采用MATLAB软件进行编程,建立网络模型并训练,实现仿真预测,并对不同的网络模式,相同网络不同输入节点模式的预测误差进行分析比较。

    Programming by MATLAB software , it establishes networking model and achieve simulation prediction , and the forecasting error of different networks mode and input nodes mode were analyzed and compared .

  11. 输入节点分析传入消息并使其对TransformationExtender节点可用,后者在安装TransformationExtender以后在节点面板上出现。

    The input node parses an incoming message and makes it available to the Transformation Extender node that appears on the node palette after Transformation Extender is installed .

  12. 因此经过独立成分分析优化时序BP神经网络预测模型的输入节点因子,降低了输入维数,优化了神经网络结构。

    Therefore , after analysis by ICA the independent component factors determine the model input nodes of timing BP neural network , the input dimension is reduced , and the structure of neural network is optimized .

  13. 在用BP网进行语音和说话人识别过程中,BP网的输入节点数一般在几百个左右,使得网络的规模过大,训练速度过慢。

    In the process of speech and speaker recognition with BP neural network , nearly several hundreds of input nodes are required , that lead a very large network scale and a very slow train speed .

  14. 在WebSphereMessageBroker(以下称为MessageBroker)环境中,消息流通过各个输入节点接收数据以进行处理,并通过各个输出节点发送数据。

    In the WebSphere Message Broker ( hereafter referred to as Message Broker ) environment , a message flow receives data for processing via various input nodes and sends data out via various output nodes .

  15. 与BP网络相比,ICBP网络的优势在于:它和CBP网络一样,都拥有一个二阶的额外输入节点。

    Compared to BP network , the advantage of ICBP is : it has an extra quadratic input node , just as CBP does .

  16. 根据搅拌机的实际工作状况,建立了4个输入节点、1个输出节点的RBF神经网络模型,通过19组试验,验证了模型的可靠性。

    Based on the working conditions of mixer , prediction model of RBF network with 4 input vectors and 1 output vectors is set up , and the model is proved by experimental results .

  17. 本文利用ANN对某一实际电力系统进行故障后电压安全评估,着重研究了复杂电力系统的网络简化以减少输入节点数及输入特征量对神经元网络的影响。

    This paper assesses the post-fault voltage of a practical power system and place emphases on the simplifying power system , which can reduce the number of the ANN imputs , andon the effect inputs as well .

  18. 最后,为这个TreeViewer给定一个输入节点。

    Finally , give this TreeViewer an input node .

  19. 提出具有9个输入节点,1个输出节点的RBF神经网络模型来模拟抗压强度及其影响因素之间复杂非线性关系。

    On the basis of comprehensive analysis , a prediction model of RBF network with 9 input vectors and 1 output vectors is set up to express the complex nonlinear relationship of performance index and their influencing factors .

  20. 利用遗传算法,对神经网络输入节点数、径向基函数分布系数及网络训练误差进行了优化,得到了最优的RBF网络预测模型。

    The genetic algorithm ( GA ) is used to optimize the node number of input layer , the spread coefficient of radial basis function , and training error , in order to obtain the optimum forecasting model of RBF network .

  21. 这样的消息也许只有有限的用途,虽然可以在对应的输入节点中将其读回,在此情况下,将选择带SOAP域的MQInput节点。

    Such a message is probably of limited use , although it can be read back in at a corresponding input node , in this case an MQInput node with the SOAP domain selected .

  22. 请注意,还支持V6.1.0.2中引入的三个输入节点事件类型(进入、退出和失败)。

    Note that the three input node event types ( entry , exit , and failure ) introduced in V6.1.0.2 are also supported .

  23. 其次,ICBP网络中额外输入节点至所有隐节点的连接权值的设置方法区别于CBP,即直接设置这些权值为一个常量。

    Secondly , the values setting method of connection weights between the extra input node and all the hidden nodes in ICBP network is different from that in CBP , i.e. directly set these weights as a common constant .

  24. 它们至少有一个发点或输入节点。

    They had at least one source or input node .

  25. 这种适应性有各种输入节点电导规划的形式;

    This adaptability can be in the forms of various input-node-conductance layouts ;

  26. 显然,身份提取仅适用于输入节点。

    Obviously , the identity extraction can only apply to the input nodes .

  27. 事务事件仅从输入节点发射

    Transaction events are emitted only from input nodes

  28. 这使您能够保证每个输入节点需要最少的线程。

    This enables you to guarantee a minimum of threads for each input node .

  29. 终端事件从任何节点(包括输入节点)的任何终端发射

    Terminal events are emitted from any terminal of any node , including input nodes

  30. 记住,此输入节点应当是数据模型的根节点。

    Remember that this input should be the root node of your data model .