
  • 网络video driver;NVIDIA;ati;amd
  1. 您不必将时间浪费在尝试寻找显卡驱动程序或SCSI驱动程序上。

    You don 't need to waste time trying to track down video drivers or SCSI drivers .

  2. 我更新了显卡驱动程序,但我仍然有同样的问题

    I updated the drivers for the graphics card but I still have the same problem

  3. 请将显卡驱动更新至最新!

    Please update your graphics card drivers !

  4. 如果图形界面不正常,请确认您已经安装了最新的显卡驱动程序。

    If screensaver graphics aren 't working , make sure you have the latest driver for your graphics adapter .

  5. 在初始化错误:显卡或驱动不支持UBYTE4N顶点数据。

    Error during initialization : Video card or driver doesn 't support UBYTE4N vertex data .

  6. 这样,虚拟机中显卡的设备驱动程序对于显卡的使用和访问操作就不会被虚拟机监控器所拦截,也不用通过软件模拟的方式来处理这些访问请求,而是直接交给真实的硬件去完成。

    Thus , access request from device driver of the graphic card in virtual machine will not cause any traps into the virtual machine monitor and the request will be handled directly by the hardware instead of software emulation .