
  • 网络Linewidth
  1. 用LiF被动晶体Q开关工作时激光线宽约为0.001nm。

    The laser linewidth is about 0.001 nm when a LiF crystal as passive Q-switch is used for single pulse operation .

  2. 多模光纤用于激光线宽零拍测量法的原理和实验研究

    Theoretical and experimental study on the self-homodyning linewidth measurement using multimode fiber

  3. 提出使用布里渊光纤环形激光器产生的二阶Stokes光作为参考光测量超窄激光线宽的新方法。

    A new method of measuring Ultra-narrow laser line-width using the second Stokes wave of Brillouin fiber ring laser as reference laser is proposed .

  4. 模耦合对激光线宽的影响

    The impacts of two mode coupling on the linewidths in lasers

  5. 依赖于激光线宽的信息写入效率的研究

    The study on laser band width dependent information writing efficiency

  6. 测量激光线宽的一种新装置

    A New Apparatus for Measuring Laser Linewidth

  7. 准分子激光线宽压缩方法的研究

    Research on Spectral-Narrowing of Excimer Lasers

  8. 还讨论了激光线宽对微腔中偶极阱阱深的影响。

    We also discuss the effect of laser line width on the depth of potential well .

  9. 非旋波近似下的激光线宽

    Laser linewidth without rotating wave approximation

  10. 分析了激光线宽对同位素原子激发电离效率和选择性因子的影响。

    We have studied the influence of laser linewidth on ionized efficiency and selectivity of isotopic atoms .

  11. 这种激光器主要应用在对激光线宽要求较高的实验中。

    This kind of diode laser was mostly used in the experiments , which were sensitive to laser linewidth .

  12. 结果表明:在不考虑激光线宽及消相碰撞时,探测场的吸收随时间在零吸收附近作类似于阻尼减幅振荡,系统可实现无反转放大;

    It is shown that the time-dependent probe absorption is oscillatorily damped to its steady state and transient amplification without inversion can be realized ;

  13. 因而采用透射函数的半峰值线宽测量入射激光线宽的方法是不严格的,仅在一定的条件下才适用。

    The method for measuring laser linewidth using the fullwidth of transmission function at maximum is not strict , it must satisfy some limiting conditions .

  14. 它导致了许多重要的现象,如:光电设备的量子噪声、有限激光线宽等,因此很长一段时间以来,人们一直想通过某种方法来抑制或消除自发辐射。

    It induces some important phenomena such as quantum noises of photoelectric equipments , limited breadth of laser . Researchers have devoted themselves to cancel or restrain spontaneous emission by certain means .

  15. 在符合拍频条件时,能级差可以超出激光线宽,其测量精度可达到与激光线宽同一数量级。

    In the condition that a beating occurs , the energy level difference could exceed the laser linewidth , and the measurement accuracy could reach the same order of magnitude as the laser linewidth .

  16. 采用密度矩阵方程,在引入激光场线宽的条件下,计算了N型四能级原子系统中介质对探测场的吸收。

    Using density matrix equation , the Absorption of the probing field in N-type four-level atomic system with three coupling laser-fields under introducing laser field linewidth is calculated .

  17. 由于泵浦激光的线宽对SBS反射率有显著影响,而利用单纵模、高重复频率运转的脉冲微片激光器作为DPL系统种子光源来提高激光系统单色性是一种可行的技术方案。

    As a method to obtain higher SBS reflectivity by improving the monochromaticity of laser system , the LD end-pumped pulse-microchip laser operated on high-repetition and single-frequency has also been researched .

  18. 由于中性原子或者单离子钟跃迁谱线的自然线宽一般在几mHz-几Hz量级,这就要求本振激光的线宽能够达到赫兹甚至亚赫兹的量级。

    Since the natural linewidth of the clock transition of the neutral atoms or the single ion is generally a few mHz to a few Hz , it requires the linewidth of the LO reaches to the hertz level or below .

  19. 腔内有双折射滤光片的激光实际线宽

    The Actual Linewidth of Laser with Birefringence Filter in Oscillator

  20. 窄线宽光纤激光器其特征是激光光谱线宽非常狭窄,可以保证激光具有极好的相干性。

    Extremely narrow laser spectra line-width make laser have very good coherent property .

  21. 光纤激光陀螺线宽压缩技术中滤波器的结构设计与分析

    Analyse and design of Fabry-Perot filter used in compressing laser spectrum linewidth on fiber laser gyroscope

  22. 三模激光的线宽

    The linewidths of three-mode lasers

  23. 另外,对环形腔震荡滤波器中震荡激光的线宽和精细度与光路的损耗之间的关系进行了分析。

    Besides , analyses the relationship between line-width , finesses and the optic circuit loss in the ring resonator filter . 3 .

  24. 0.69微米附近可调谐激光输出线宽为1.5埃,能量转换效率为2.9%。

    The linewidth of the tunable laser output around 0.69 μ m is 1.5 A with an energy conversion efficiency of 2.9 % .

  25. 利用饱和吸收效应在未泵浦低掺铒光纤中形成自写入瞬态光栅,用以压窄输出激光的线宽。

    An unpumped Er3 + - doped fiber ( low dopant ) which used as the transient grating is inserted in the cavity to narrow the linewidth .

  26. 我们给激光器的驱动电流加上白噪声从而改变激光的线宽,通过平衡零拍的方法测量了激光的位相噪声到振幅噪声的变化。

    The white noise is introduced into the driving current hence changes the laser linewidth , then the laser amplitude noise and phase-to-amplitude conversion noise are measured using homodyne detection method .

  27. 实验表明,采用该方法生成的激光光刀线宽变化小,对比度高,景深大,适合作为主动式三维面形测量用线结构光。

    The experimental results show that the light-knife generated by using this method has less width variety , higher contrast and large depth of field . It could be used as a line structure light in active 3D profile measuring system .

  28. 得到当入射激光为窄带线宽时,SWM频谱是消多普勒的,因此可成为一种研究原子或分子高激发态和高角动量态的高分辨相干非线性光谱学。

    The theoretical calculation indicates that the signal spectrum is Doppler-free when the laser line width is narrow . This technique provides a new spectroscopic tool for studying the highly excited atomic or molecular states with high resolution .

  29. 然而,这些高功率光纤放大器输出激光较大的线宽使得它们难以应用于相干合成、谱合成和频率转换等需要窄线宽激光(一般小于0.1nm)的领域。

    However , the output lasers of those high power fiber amplifiers employ large linewidth making them unsuitable for applications such as coherent beam combination , spectral beam combination and frequency transition where narrow-linewidth lasers ( less than 0.1 nm in general ) are welcomed .

  30. 扬氏光纤干涉仪测量激光谱线线宽

    Measuring laser linewidth with Young 's optical fiber interferometer