
  • 网络Hormonal effect;Tufsin
  1. 而现有文献证明,所有这些途径:致DNA损伤、抑制拓朴酶、抗代谢、激素样作用、诱导分化等,是不同类中药或方剂所具备的,这为中药诱导细胞凋亡提供了科学依据。

    Some Chinese herbs and formula made with herbs have effects of injuring DNA , suppressing topology amylase , anti-metabolism , hormone and inducing cell differentiation , which give scientific foundation for inducing cell to wither with Chinese herbs .

  2. 结论中药LCG具有类激素样作用和双向免疫调节作用。

    Conclusion LCG has similar effect as prednisone and exerts two-ways regulation effects on the immune system .

  3. 稀土元素对植物的激素样作用

    Hormone - like effect of rare earth elements on the plant

  4. 调坤汤性激素样作用的实验研究

    An Experimental Study on the Effects of Tiao Kun Sex Hormone Decoction

  5. 补肾胶囊增强免疫功能及雄性激素样作用研究

    Enhancing immune function and male hormone & like action of BuShen capsules

  6. 马鹿茸性激素样作用的研究

    Studies on the Gonadotropic Effect of Wapiti Velvet Antler

  7. 痿康口服液雄性激素样作用的研究

    Androgen like effect of Wei Kang Kou Fu Ye

  8. 海龙类乙醇提取物的激素样作用

    Hormonic Effects of the Ethanol Extracts of Syngnathus

  9. 加味五子衍宗丸且有性激素样作用,可以促进睾酮的分泌。

    Modified Wuzi yanzong pill had sex hormone-like effects and could promote the secretion of testosterone .

  10. 人参茎叶皂甙拟促皮质激素样作用的研究

    Ginseng saponin adrenocorticotropic hormone like effects

  11. 实验证明蚁王精口服液具有明显的镇静、抗疲劳和雄性激素样作用;

    Experiments show that Chinese Ant Oral Syrup has functions as calmatives , fatigue-resisting agents and androgen .

  12. β-蜕皮激素为其雄性激素样作用和同化激素样作用的有效成分之一。

    It has been deter-mined that β - ecdysone is one of the effective constituents for the androgen-like and anabolic action .

  13. 蜂王浆中有机酸成份的性激素样作用

    I LIKE CHINA D : neurosis like . Sex Hormone - like Effect of Composition of Organic Acids in Royal Jelly

  14. 可能的作用机制:类性激素样作用;间接促进成骨细胞增殖;

    Possible mechanism of action : hormonelike effect , can indirectly promote the proliferation of osteoblast and has significant inhibition effect on osteoclast .

  15. 方法通过采用雏鸡冠法、大鼠包皮腺法及痿康口服液对正常大白鼠性器官重量的影响,测定痿康口服液的雄性激素样作用。

    Methods Androgen like effect of Wei Kang Kou Fu Ye was studied with chicken cockscomb method and castrated rat accessory sex organ method .

  16. 结论补肾益气活血中药通过其性激素样作用来抑制骨吸收和骨转化率,防治绝经后骨质疏松。

    Conclusion The Chinese drugs were effective in preventing and treating postmenopausal osteoporosis by means of inhibiting bone resorption and bone transformation efficiency through its sex hormone actions .

  17. 甘草是我国著名的传统中药,现代药理学研究表明,甘草酸是甘草中的主要活性成分,具有显著的肾上腺皮质激素样作用。

    Licorice is a famous traditional Chinese medicine . Modern pharmacology study shows that the glycyrrhizic acid is a main active ingredient in licorice , and it can produce the same effect as the adrenal cortical hormone .

  18. 植物雌激素可能通过调节雌激素受体、影响雌激素合成酶及非激素样作用机制缓解绝经期症状和防治骨质疏松症,对心血管系统和神经系统也有一定益处。

    Phytoestrogen may exert some beneficial effects such as the relief of menopausal symptoms , the prevention of osteoporosis , and the benefits to cardiovascular and nervous system by modulating estrogen receptor , non_hormonal effects and the influencing on enzymes for estrogen synthesis .

  19. 单剂应用能补脾和胃,益气止血,升高血小板和中性粒细胞,具有类皮质激素样作用,长期服用不但解决了强地松的副作用问题,而且经济实用。

    Single dose can reinforce the function of the spleen and reconcile stomach , replenish qi and hemostasis , increase the levels of neutrophils and thrombocytes . The effectiveness of it is similar to prednisone , but it has no side effect of prednisone and more economical .