
  • 网络In Laser
  1. 讨论了激光中的自组织现象以及产生自组织现象所需要的5个条件。

    A self-organization phenomenon in Laser and its five conditions are discussed .

  2. 自由电子激光中电子与光子的相互作用

    Interaction of The Electron and Photon in The Free-electron Laser

  3. 同步旋进电磁场在纵向均匀磁场自由电子激光中的作用和性质

    The function and properties of synchronous precessing electro - magnetic field in FEL in longitudinal uniform field

  4. 激光中的涡旋与孤子

    Vortices and Solitons in Lasers

  5. 自由电子激光中混沌现象&典型的非线性系统之一

    Chaos phenomenon in free-electron laser

  6. 电子在线偏振激光中产生的辐射效率,比在同样强度下圆偏振激光中产生的效率更高;

    The radiation produced by the electron under a linearly polarized laser has a higher amplitude than under a circularly polarized laser pulse with the same intensity .

  7. 第四章对微粒在飞秒激光中所受轴向和横向力进行了理论分析,并推导出粒子在飞秒激光中能够实现光捕获的条件。

    In the fourth chapter , we make a theoretical analysis on axial and lateral force in femtosecond laser and educe trap condition in which particle could be trapped in femtosecond laser .

  8. 本文用李亚普诺夫的运动稳定性理论成功地解决了具有均匀导向场和理想螺旋磁场自由电子激光中电子平衡态螺旋轨道的稳定性问题。

    The problem of stability of the equilibrium helical orbit in free-electron lasers with a combined ideal helical wiggler and uniform axial guide field is successfully solved by means of the Lyapunov 's stability theory of motion .

  9. 接下来论述了激光通信中多径效应的特殊性。

    Then this paper discusses particularity of multipath effect of laser .

  10. 激光场中H原子的多光子电离速率

    Multi - photon ionization rate of hydrogen in the laser fields

  11. 对激光等离子体中X射线的产生与辐射加热研究

    Numerical simulation of the conversion of thermal X-ray radiation from laser-induced plasmas and radiation heating

  12. 强激光场中团簇Na2的谐波产生

    Harmonic generation of Na_2 in strong femtosecond laser pulses

  13. 动态YAG脉冲激光系统中几种典型EMI的分析

    Analysis of Typical EMI Models in Dynamic YAG Pulse Laser System

  14. 紫外激光通信中PPM与Turbo联合编码调制研究

    Technology to unite PPM with Turbo code in ultraviolet laser communication

  15. 通过DXF数据交换接口实现AutoCAD在激光加工中的应用

    Application of AutoCAD in laser processing through the interface of DXF

  16. 强激光场中电离电子能量的非Maxwell分布

    Non-Maxwell Distribution of the Ionized Electron in Strong Laser Field

  17. ICF固体激光驱动器中Kerr效应的研究

    Study on Kerr Effect in ICF Solid - state Laser

  18. HCl分子在激光场中的多光子激发

    Multiphoton Excitation of HCl in Laser Fields

  19. 激光等离子体中多光子非线性Compton散射的光子加速

    Photon Acceleration of the Multi-photon Nonlinear Compton Scattering Based on Laser-plasma

  20. 耦合Bose-Einstein凝聚体系与强激光场中原子分子体系的非线性现象

    Nonlinear Phenomena in Coupled Bose-Einstein Condensates and Atoms Molecule in Intense Laster Fields

  21. 对于激光告警中的复合传感器技术、CCD型离轴传感器技术、干涉型光纤传感器、集成传感器、多传感器进行了深入的探讨。

    Advanced sensors technologies of laser warning are described , which include the compound sensors technology , off-axis sensors technology of CCD , optical fiber sensors technology of intervenes , integrate sensors technology , multisensor technology .

  22. 本文理论分析了异面腔激光陀螺中由S一P相位和Q的各向异性所引起的左、右旋椭圆偏振模式的非对称性。

    This paper presents a theoretical study of the mode difference be - tween the left and right elliptically polarized light in out - of - plane cavity laser gyro which caused by S - P phase and Q anisotropy of the ring cavity .

  23. 在激光重熔中,SiO2能降低ZrO2熔化层应力并阻碍裂纹扩展;

    During laser remelting , the additive SiO 2 can not only reduce the cooling stress of the remelted layer in ZrO 2 coating , but also hinder the spreading of cracks .

  24. 甲泼尼龙对大鼠视网膜激光损伤中Müller细胞胶质纤维酸性蛋白和增生细胞核抗原表达的影响

    The effect of methylprednisolone on the expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein and proliferating cell nuclear antigen in M ü ller cells of rats ' retinae injured by laser

  25. 本文扼要介绍BaTiO3晶体的光折变效应及其在光学信息处理和激光技术中的一些应用前景。

    This paper presents the simple theory of the photorefractive effect in BaTiO_3crystal and the applications in optical information process and laser technique .

  26. 双色激光场中激光强度影响电离的研究

    Influence of Laser Intensity on Ionization in a Two-Color Laser Field

  27. 激光等离子体中密度孤波和自生磁场的数值模拟

    Simulation of density solitons and self-generated magnetic field in laser plasma

  28. 磁约束环境下气体激光介质中电子能量分布与电子输运系数的理论研究

    Electron energy distributions and transport coefficients for magnetically confined gas lasers

  29. 金属蒸气激光管中温度径向分布的计算

    Calculation of the radial temperature distribution for metal vapor laser tube

  30. 在模具表面激光强化中,测量及轨迹规划是工艺实现的关键环节。

    Measurement and path planning are key steps in laser hardening .