
  1. 为什么在背上纹天使的翅膀呢?

    Why did you have angel wings tattooed on your back ?

  2. 孩子,你将乘着天使的翅膀到那儿。

    You 're going out there on wings of angels , son .

  3. 我希望我能把你包裹在天使的翅膀中。

    I wish that I could wrap you in angel 's wings .

  4. 天使的翅膀一直延伸到小贝的胳膊,同现有的文身相融合。

    The wings spread round Beckham 's arm and merge with the existing tattoos .

  5. 在美丽日落照片中,我好像看到天使的翅膀。

    In this beautiful sunset photo , I seem to descry the wings of the angel .

  6. 2009年,她因翻唱歌曲《天使的翅膀》而在网上爆红。

    Her interpretation of the song " Angel 's Wings " went viral online in 2009 .

  7. 南美洲的秋海棠,有纤维性根,基生叶上有突出的裂片、像天使的翅膀,总状花序、花珊瑚红色。

    South American fibrous-rooted begonias having prominent basal leaf lobes suggesting angels ' wings and racemes of coral-red flowers .

  8. 顺便说一句,他踢起足球来就好像脚上长了一对天使的翅膀。

    And by the way , he plays football as though with the wings of angels on his feet .

  9. 翅膀也做了进一步改良,恶魔的翅膀覆盖了天使的翅膀。比正常版的萝莉更增添了一分邪恶的气质。

    The wings are improved : evil part is bigger than angel part , add the bad side of this character .

  10. 虽然我现在已经不是一位空中服务人员了,但是在我办公室里,像我这样的天使的翅膀却依旧上演着。

    Though I am no longer a flight attendant , my " angel wings " are still on prominent display in my office .

  11. 有时我们会想到天使的翅膀和玫瑰花瓣,以及一个兄弟为了救另一个兄弟而跳入冰冷刺骨的水里。

    Sometimes we think of angels ' wings and rose petals , and one brother diving into the icy water to save another .

  12. 在心里祈祷,化作了天使的翅膀吧,让天使夜夜飞过自己梦里的天空。

    Prayer in his heart , turned into the angel 's wings and let the angels fly their dream of the sky every night .

  13. 当然,在这里不可能把我所有的朋友逐一提及,但是关于他们的点点滴滴,全都无一例外地被珍藏在天使的翅膀之下,这些记忆是如此地庄严神圣,远非文字所能表达清楚。

    But there is not space to mention all my friends , and indeed there are things about them hidden behind the wings of cherubim , things too sacred to set forth in cold print .

  14. 没过多久,雪花便从天使的翅膀上飘落下来,我所有的睡梦都变成了天使的翅膀和银色的月光,直到一天早晨,我被一只蜗牛的触角温柔地触醒。

    And very soon it has snowed from the angels'wings and all my sleep has become angel wings and silver moon until one morning when I woke up gently touched by a snail 's horns .

  15. 以前谈及她的事业,她说:“我不想永远走下去。我知道总有一天我不得不把维密天使的翅膀挂起来,我觉得这样也好。最终每个人都要做出改变,继续前行。”

    Speaking previously about her career , she said : ' I don 't want to go on forever . I know there comes a time that I 'll have to hang up my wings and I 'm OK with that . Everyone moves on eventually . '

  16. 要是这样,我想摆脱“天使”的翅膀,找到你,因为我只喜欢你。

    If so , I would like to get rid of " Angel " wings , find you , because I just like you .

  17. 我抬起头来,真的看见一双天使那样的翅膀拥抱着我,阻挡了黑暗和伤害。

    I raise my head , and sure enough there are wings like an angel 's , hugging me from the darkness , from harm .

  18. 我们就像被贬谪的天使,我们的翅膀失去了闪亮的色彩。

    We are Like Fallen Angels , Our wings have lost their shine .

  19. 召回的商品是一个放置在圣诞树顶端、高10英寸的天使,天使的翅膀可发光。

    The recalled tree toppers are10 inch tall vinyl angels with LED lighted wings .

  20. 令她惊奇的是,她发现天使的另一只翅膀也没有了。

    To her surprise , she notices his other wing has disappeared .

  21. 她感谢我为她所做的帮助后,并语气柔和地说:“你不是服务人员,你是空中的天使。”这触动了我这位飞行服务人员的双翼,她接着说到:“那就是你们天使的翅膀。”

    As she thanked me for all I had done she said softly , " You 're not the flight attendant , you 're a sky angel . " Touching my flight attendant wings , she continued , " And those are your angel wings . "