
  • eternal love;Everlasting Love;Forever Love
  1. 结婚戒指象征已婚夫妇之间永恒的爱。

    A wedding ring is a symbol of eternal love between a married couple .

  2. 这是真实的,持久的,永恒的爱。

    This is true , abiding , eternal love .

  3. 指引远离仇恨的硝烟寻回永恒的爱

    For leaving hatred in the dust and bringing back the love

  4. 我对你许下永恒的爱之誓言。

    I pledge to you my undying and lasting love .

  5. 我想要的是不变的青春和永恒的爱。

    All I want is the eternal youth and the immortal love .

  6. 他们表白了对彼此永恒的爱。

    They declared their undying love for each other .

  7. 所以永恒的爱在长青爱匣里

    So that eternal love in love 's fresh case

  8. 你只想要一时的刺激,为什么还言之切切地说什么永恒的爱?

    Why did you swear eternal love when all you want was excitement ?

  9. 等待是一种心灵的旅程,这是永恒的爱。

    Waiting is a kind of spiritual commitment to .

  10. 永恒的爱是无须回报的爱。

    The love that lasts longest is the love that is never return .

  11. 愿真心维系你们永恒的爱。

    May true be the hearts that love you .

  12. 永恒的爱属于彼此;在我心中你是幸运星。

    YOU are the Lucky star in my heart .

  13. 感谢神赐予我们生命及永恒的爱以作礼物。

    God , thank you for your gift of life and your eternal love for us .

  14. 她回忆起婚礼那时他们各自承诺了对对方的永恒的爱。

    She recalled the wedding ceremony at which they had pledged their undying love for each other .

  15. 没有什么比听新的约会对象表达对宠物永恒的爱更缺乏吸引力。

    Nothing is more unappealing than listening to a new date express undying love for their pet .

  16. 从这些地球上的生灵那里,我懂得了什么是怜悯,什么是永恒的爱。

    From the creatures of the earth I shall learn the fruits of compassion and undying love .

  17. 沙迦汗建造了泰姬陵来表达对他的妻子永恒的爱。

    Shah Jahan built the Taj Majal as a monument to his undying love for his wife .

  18. 我还要感谢我的父母,谢谢他们日复一日的操劳和对我们永恒的爱。

    I 'd also like to thank my parents for their every day hard work and eternal loves .

  19. 一些伟大的歌剧同样赞扬男女主人公渴望的那种永恒的爱。

    Some of the greatest operas also praise the ever-lasting love by some heroes and heroines dying for it .

  20. 它们是塑胶的,永不凋谢。那些花象征永恒的爱。

    They 're plastic and will never die . They 're supposed to be a symbol of endless love .

  21. 对着天空,全力祈祷你能够幸福,这便是我给你永恒的爱。

    In the sky , to pray for you to be happy , this is I give you my love .

  22. 神即永恒的爱和永生,而只有与神同在的人才能享有永生和永恒的爱。

    God is immortal love and immortal life , and people who are with God will enjoy immortal life and immortal love .

  23. 当我今天在这里让世界为我作证,我对你保证我的不死和永恒的爱。

    As I stand here today with the world as my witness , I pledge to you my undying and eerlasting love .

  24. 我最真诚的希望就是告诉你们:那无穷的、永恒的爱,任何时候都是对你们开放的。

    My sincerest hope is to speak to you of the vast and unfailing presence of Love , accessible to you at any time .

  25. 想想耶稣是怎么说的:「我父爱我」&这是何等奇妙永恒的爱。

    Think of what Christ says : " As the Father hath loved Me ," & what a Divine , everlasting , wonderful love !

  26. 没有比地球母亲更美丽的风景,作为自豪的父亲,我给予你们我永恒的爱。

    There is no sight of more beauty than that of a Mother , and as a proud Father , I assure you my eternal love .

  27. 明年,世界各地祝贺我们的婚姻爱情、永恒的爱的人结婚在每月的第八天

    The eighth day of every month to get married next year , people all over the world to congratulate us , conjugal love , eternal love

  28. 鸽子是和平的和永恒的爱公认的象征,是婚礼的象征意义,因为这些家庭代表所有热爱动物,它是婚姻。

    Doves are a well-recognised symbol of peace and eternal love and are symbolic for a wedding because these home loving creatures represent all that is a marriage .

  29. 在天堂我们永远享有神的家,但首先我们在世上却需要努力为那永恒的爱准备自己。

    In heaven we will enjoy God 's family forever , but first we have some tough work to do here on earth to prepare ourselves for an eternity of loving .

  30. 具有同情心的白素贞、痴情的许仙、无私的媚娘和具有责任感的仕林都使人难以往怀,此外还有他们之间永恒的爱。

    The compassionate Bai Su zhen , the infatuated Xu xian , the selfless Hu Mei niang , and the dutiful Xu Shi Lin are all unforgettable , and so was the eternal love between them .