
  • 网络blood brother
  1. 我们的电影《天堂口》被选为电影节的闭幕影片,在此要感谢坚定支持中国电影的人们以及本届电影节主席MarcoMuller。

    Our film , Blood Brothers , was selected as the closing film of the festival thanks to staunch Chinese film supporter and festival director Marco Muller .

  2. 星期六我参加《天堂口》放映会,昨天我们放映了《四大天王》。

    I screened Blood Brothers on Saturday and we screened THK yesterday .

  3. 尽管《天堂口》有着强大的影星阵容,但演员们的出色表演还是掩盖不了故事情节的苍白无力。

    Still , despite brotherhood 's strong starring cast , the actors can 't hide the paleness of plotline .

  4. 因为所有的天堂都是一口钟。

    As all the Heavens were a Bell .