
  1. 众里寻她千百度&略谈沈从文小说创作的文学个性

    On the Literary Personality in Shen Cong-wen 's Novel Writing

  2. 真可谓:众里寻她千百度啊!

    Truly be said : People look for her thousands of Baidu ah !

  3. 他会寻她开心,而且他所有朋友也会当面嘲笑她。

    He would make fun of her , and all of his friends would laugh in her face .

  4. 咖啡师“伯洋”,他,会为一种口味而众里寻她到最终的角落。

    Coffee division " Yang ", he , for a taste of people in search of her to the final corner .

  5. 留下的500幅左右的画作令人过眼难忘,极度刺激观者的神经;画里充斥一种“众里寻她千百度的偏执”。

    The500 or so paintings and drawings that remain are intensely felt , unsettling and resonate with " a searching necessity " .

  6. 一些人几乎用忏悔的口气说:“如果我们早知道过去拥有的一切,我们肯定不会另寻她欢。”

    Others are almost apologetic : " If only we knew what we had , we would never have strayed to other malls . "

  7. 他还用绳子在手腕和脚踝上挂了18盒巧克力,“装备”齐全后,马克便开始了“众里寻她”的不寻常旅程。

    Strapped to his back and18 boxes of chocolates trailing behind him on string tied to his wrists and ankles , Mark McGowan began his unusual quest to find a girlfriend .

  8. 她寻着她所爱之人的呼唤。

    She followed the calling of that she loved .

  9. 我站在远处,寻望她留下的痕迹。

    I was standing far away , looking for traces that she left .

  10. 请把千寻和她父母送回人类的世界

    You must return Chihiro and her parents to the human world . Hmph !

  11. 格伦达史密斯说,直到她看到寻猫启事,她才知道了自己的猫过着另一重秘密生活。

    Glenda Smith said that until she saw the posters , she had no idea about her cat 's secret life .

  12. 柯尔斯顿深入挖掘,广寻问题,因为她也是这些产品的消费者。

    Kirsten dove deep , asking the most questions because she is also a consumer of these products , Weiss says .