
  1. 哩哩啦啦下了一天雨。

    It rained on and off all day .

  2. 接连下了七八天雨,屋子里什么都是潮呼呼的。

    After a week 's rain , everything in the house became damp and clammy .

  3. 下了几天雨之后,太阳出来了。

    The sun came through after days of rain .

  4. 一连下了三天雨。

    It rained for three days running .

  5. 风雨东方起,至少两天雨。

    Rain from the east , wet two day at least .

  6. 昨天下了一天雨(雪、刮风)。

    Yesterday it rained ( snowed , blew ) all day .

  7. 断断续续地下了三天雨。

    It has rained on and off for three days .

  8. 有一天雨下得很大。

    One day there was a heavy storm of rain .

  9. 今天下了一天雨,有点凉快。

    Today has rained day , a little cool .

  10. 板球比赛因天雨而取消。

    The cricket match was washed out by rain .

  11. 下了一天雨了。

    It has been raining hard all day long .

  12. 已连续下了四天雨。

    It has rained for four consecutive days .

  13. 一直下了两天雨。

    It had been raining for two days .

  14. ,.一连下了几天雨,今天太阳从云后出现了。

    After a spell of wet days the sun emerges from behind the clouds today

  15. 第二天雨下得很大,玛丽没有出去,

    The next day it was very rainy , so Mary did not go out .

  16. 暴露例句一连下了几天雨,今天太阳从云后出现了。

    After a spell of wet days , the sun emerges from behind the clouds today .

  17. 天雨粟、鬼夜哭是龙卷风造成的自然灾象;

    The Grain Rain and the Ghost 's Evening Cry are natural disasters caused by hurricane .

  18. 上星期天雨下得很大,因此我们不得不在家呆了一整天。

    It rained hard last Sunday so that we had to stay at home all day .

  19. 一连下了几天雨,今天太阳从云后出现了。

    After a spell of wet days , the sun emerges from behind the clouds today .

  20. 如课堂因天雨取消,本会将安排补课。

    In case of class cancellations , make-up lessons will be arranged depending on the court availability .

  21. 昨天下了一天雨(雪、刮风)。[用作状语]今天[昨天]晚上

    Yesterday it rained ( snowed , blew ) all day . this [ yesterday , last ] evening

  22. 如果连续下几天雨,运动会就会被取消。

    If it should rain for several days on end , the sports meet will be called off .

  23. 在上隔天雨、下隔地下水的测坑内研究夏玉米耗水规律。

    Study on summer maize water consumption regularity on spot which can prevent influence of rain and underground water .

  24. 所以西雅图的降雨量要少得多,而且比那些城市要多下几天雨。

    So it rains a lot less in Seattle . And the rain is spread out over more days than those cities .

  25. 上个星期天天下雨。昨天下了一天雨(雪、刮风)。

    It rained the whole of last week , day in , day out . Yesterday it rained ( snowed , blew ) all day .

  26. 昨天下了一天雨(雪、刮风)。吉普车开始向前行驶,汽车雨刮在挡风玻璃上唰唰地来回摆动。

    Yesterday it rained ( snowed , blew ) all day . The jeep started forward and the wipers began to sing across the screen .

  27. 在天睛日暖之后突然乌云密集,大风狂起,暴雨倾盆。风雨东方起,至少两天雨。

    After clear sky and calm weather , clouds gathered and a storm burst , and it rained with a very violent shower . Rain from the east , wet two day at least .