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xiǎn guì
  • dignitary;eminence;personages;high officials;highest-tone;bigwigs
显贵 [xiǎn guì]
  • [highest-tone] 显达尊贵

  • 这个州里最显贵的种植园主

显贵[xiǎn guì]
  1. 因此,与乡村农民、达观显贵和文人雅士相比,中国古代的市民阶层有着自己独特的文化品位、审美理想和艺术追求。

    Therefore to compare to village farmer , high officials and noble lords and literati Chinese ancient townspeople had their own cultural taste , aesthetic ideal and artistic pursuit .

  2. 担任这一职务既有显贵的地位又有丰厚的收入。

    The job brings with it status and a high income .

  3. 你这是出入于显贵要人的圈子呀!

    You 're moving in very exalted circles !

  4. 有位显贵之人正好路过,出百金买下了这把琴,并把它献给了朝廷。

    It happened that an influential8 personage was passing by . He bought it with 100 pieces of gold and presented it to the imperial court .

  5. 委员,专员;伍兹这次击败的对手包括NFL,NBA与棒球大联盟的总裁与显贵们,传媒大王默多克与耐克公司的CEO菲利浦·耐特。

    The publication picked Woods ahead of the commissioners of the NFL , NBA and Major League Baseball , media mogul Rupert Murdoch and Nike CEO Philip Knight .

  6. 瓦德拉1997年与普里扬卡・甘地(PriyankaGandhi)结婚,跻身印度政治显贵阶层。普里扬卡・甘地是索尼娅・甘地和1984年至1989年在位的已故前总理拉吉夫・甘地(RajivGandhi)的女儿。

    Mr. Vadra married into India 's political nobility in 1997 when he wed Priyanka Gandhi , a daughter of Sonia Gandhi and the late Rajiv Gandhi , prime minister from 1984 to 1989 .

  7. 他并没有由于显贵地位而得到特殊对待。

    He is not entitled to special tratment because of his rank .

  8. 每所修道院和显贵要人的宅邸都有自己的鱼塘。

    Every Abbey and great man 's house had its fish pond .

  9. 你知道这些英国显贵的德性,他们全都一样。

    You know what these English grandees are . They 're all alike .

  10. 《蒙娜丽莎》这幅画所描绘的是一位出身显贵的少妇。

    The painting Mona Lisa depicts a young lady from a wealthy family .

  11. 他在大庭广众之下辱骂政坛显贵,结果被撤职了。

    He was dismissed for publicly insulting prominent politicians .

  12. 有些照片是身着晚礼服或者其他显贵衣服的选美皇后。

    Some photos were of beauty queens in evening gowns or other high-status clothing .

  13. 希望铁金库可以找个显贵家族收养她。

    Perhaps the Iron Bank could help find some noble family to foster her .

  14. 显贵会议包含了路易统治下的所有权贵人物

    The Assembly of Notablesincluded all the most powerful figures in Louis ' realm .

  15. 显贵会议上的失败

    The failure of the Assembly of Notables

  16. 善良的心灵胜于显贵的位置。

    Kind hearts are more than coronets .

  17. 本地所有的显贵都在那儿。

    All the local notables were there .

  18. 要人显贵身兼要职的人。

    A person who holds high office .

  19. 社会显贵的雕塑头像。

    Sculptured heads of civic dignitaries .

  20. 多数项目追求外观的豪华、精美、显贵、奢侈。

    Most of the projects to pursue the appearance of luxury , exquisite , elite , luxury .

  21. 公主在年纪很小时就已经知道自己出身显贵。

    From a very early age the princess was aware that she was born in the purple .

  22. 来这里的显贵们不愿意被人们注意到,当地人都明白这个道理。

    The notables who come here do not come here to be seen , and locals understand this .

  23. 市政厅记者胆敢询问前来访问的达官显贵们的性生活问题,这种情形是不多见的。

    It is not often that City Hall reporters dare to ask visiting dignitaries about their sex lives .

  24. 奚人世家大族,亦多由部落联盟时代的显贵家族发展而来。

    The Hsi great families mostly also evolved from the celebrated and noble families of the tribe union times .

  25. 沙特有数千名王子,但是哈利德是其中最显贵的王子之一。

    There are thousands of princes in Saudi Arabia , but Prince Khaled is from the very top tier .

  26. 这还不是严格的一夫一妻制,因为还允许显贵实行多妻制。

    It was not yet strict monogamy , as polygamy was permitted for the leading members of the tribe .

  27. 她是这个地下室中唯一显贵的和注定要死的妇女,并且表现出一种令人钦佩和胜人一筹的镇静态度。

    She was the only prominent candidate for death in this bunker who displayed an admirable and superior composure .

  28. 克努特国王周围的高官显贵总是在不停地颂扬他。

    Like many leaders and men of power , Canute was surrounded by people who were always praising him .

  29. 无论多么显贵的文职工作,做得太久只会毁掉他日后的前程。

    Too long a period in a staff job , no matter how exalted , could only damage his future advancement .

  30. 生活方式的攀比指的是我们试图向那些显贵人物的生活看齐,结果却导致自己不开心并负债累累。

    Lifestyle creep is when we try to keep up with the mythical Joneses and end up unhappy and in debt .