
  • 网络Display Size;monitor size;Monitor Resolution
  1. 适应特殊显示器尺寸的,会使更新出现问题。侧板间距调整,用电控数字显示,尺寸精确。

    Serving up separate pages to fit particular screen sizes creates overhead problems with page updates . Side bar space is accurately adjusted by Numeric Control Panel .

  2. 透明电极ITO导电性对ACTFEL显示器的尺寸限制及其改善方法

    Size limitation of actfel ′ s caused by transparent ITO conductor and its improvement

  3. 显示技术作为电子信息产业的一个重要组成部分在近年来获得了飞速的发展,而主要的技术发展方向分为提高显示质量和改良显示器外观尺寸两方面。

    As an important part of electronic information industry , display technology has developed rapidly in recent years . The main two direction of development are optimization of the display quality and the improvement of the device size .

  4. GB/T6251-1986液晶显示器件外形尺寸标注及引线排布规则

    Dimensioning of outline and rule of terminals alignment for liquid crystal displays

  5. 为了降低制作成本,提高生产效率,实现液晶显示器在大尺寸品种上的高画质化,文章介绍研制的一种新型等离子体激发发光平板背光源。

    In order to decrease the preparation cost , enhancing the production efficiency and obtaining the excellent display of large-size LCD monitors , a novel flat back-light excited by plasma was developed .

  6. 专业生产、销售计算机CRT、LCD彩色显示器和大中小尺寸液晶电视的显示设备制造企业。

    Professional production , and sales of computer CRT , LCD color monitors and Various size LCD TV display equipment manufacturing enterprises .

  7. 随着LCD技术的发展,台式液晶显示器,笔记本液晶显示器,手持显示器和大尺寸液晶电视已经越来越普及。

    With the development of LCD technology , desktop LCD monitors , notebook LCD display , hand-held displays and large-size LCD TVs have become increasingly popular .