
  • 网络Microlithotype;microlithotype of coal
  1. 4#煤显微煤岩类型主要是微镜煤,5#煤主要是微镜惰煤。

    The major microlithotype of No 4 coal seam is vitrite and that of No 5 is vitrinertite .

  2. 结果表明,裂隙在不同显微煤岩类型煤体中的分布存在较大的差异,同时裂隙分布的位置与显微煤岩类型的组合序列有关。

    The result shows that the cleat density in coal bed varies in different microlithotype , and the occurrence of cleat is relevant to the grouping sequence of microlithotypes .

  3. 突出煤以三组分显微煤岩类型为主。

    In the outburst coal , trimaceral microlithotype group predominates .

  4. 煤岩成分和煤岩类型,尤其是显微煤岩类型和显微煤岩成分的含量与分布最能反映沼泽的环境条件,它们隐含了泥炭沼泽形成时的诸多信息。

    Constituents and lithotypes of coal especially microlithotypes of coal and content of microscopic constituents of coal can explain environment of peat swamp which contained many information of peat swamps during their formation .

  5. 通过对影响吸附时间的因素的分析,作者认为:煤阶、灰分、温度、显微煤岩类型、割理发育程度及煤样粒度等参数是影响吸附时间长短的最重要的因素。

    By analysis on the factors which affect desorption time , the authors considered that coal rank , ash content , temperature , microlithotype s , the developed degree of cleat and the grain size of coal samples are the most important factors to affect desorption time .