
  • 网络converged network;FMC;Hybrid network
  1. 其中,以WCDMA与WLAN的融合网络为例,分析了网间切换的流程并改进了切换算法。

    The paper cites the hybrid network of WCDMA and WLAN as an example , analyzes the procedure of vertical handoff , and amend the handoff algorithm .

  2. IP多业务融合网络系统交换机的关键技术

    The Key Technologies of the Switch for an IP Multi-Services Integrated Network

  3. 融合网络未来发展的趋势是以IP为承载的综合业务平台。

    The development of multi-protocol integrated network will be a multiple business platform based on IP-hosted .

  4. 浅析tripleplay融合网络中的PHS技术应用

    Initial Analysis on the Application of PHS Technology to Triple Play Integrated Network

  5. WLAN与3G融合网络中认证体系研究

    Study of Authentication System for Inter-working between WLAN and 3G

  6. 3G与WLAN及其相互融合网络的接入认证机制研究

    Research on access authentication mechanisms for 3G and WLAN and integrated wireless network between them

  7. 认证体系是3G与WLAN融合网络健康发展的关键技术之一。

    Authentication system is one of the key technologies for inter-working between 3G and WLAN .

  8. EPON和WLAN融合网络架构下的上行链路调度算法研究

    Research on Upstream Bandwidth Allocation Algorithm under the Convergence Network of EPON and WLAN

  9. IP多媒体子系统(IMS)是建立在全IP基础上的多业务融合网络,旨在促进电信网和互联网的融合。

    IP Multimedia Subsystem ( IMS ) is an all-IP based multi-service converged networks . It aims to converge telecommunications networks and the Internet .

  10. WMAN与3G融合网络认证机制研究

    Research on Authentication Mechanism in Integrated WMAN and 3G Network

  11. 下一代网络(NGN)是一个基于IP的融合网络,能够提供所有类型的服务和应用。

    Next-Generation Network ( NGN ) is the IP-based converged network , which is capable of providing all kinds of services and applications .

  12. 如何在现存的网络资源条件下,保证好用户QoS,已成为当今异构/融合网络的重要任务。

    That how to ensure a good User QoS under the existing network resource conditions has become an significant task about heterogeneous / convergence networks .

  13. 基于CPK的融合网络密钥建立与认证

    Key establishment and authentication scheme for heterogeneous integrated network based on CPK

  14. 未来的移动通信网络是多接入技术并存、协同工作、支持终端移动性的可信任有保障的全IP的异构融合网络。

    In the future , mobile communication system will be secure and QoS guaranteed all-IP heterogeneous integrated networks which are coexisted , cooperative and supportable for the mobility of terminal .

  15. 随着无线移动技术的广泛应用,未来移动通信网络将逐步演化成为一个异构互联、多接入技术并存、支持终端移动性的全IP融合网络。

    With the development of wireless mobility technology , the future mobile communication network will evolve into an All-IP integrated network , which can interconnect heterogeneous wireless networks and support multi-mode terminal .

  16. 由于IP协议本身的缺陷,无法提供点到点的服务质量控制和安全机制,黑客等恶意蠕虫在融合网络有机可乘。

    Due to the defects of the IP protocol itself , it cannot provide the point-to-point service quality control and safety mechanisms , hackers and other malicious worm take advantage of integrated networks .

  17. 同时,对中国电信其它省分公司和同样进行全业务经营的异网运营商,在IMS融合网络模式下计费系统的建设具有一定的借鉴意义。

    And it also has conference value for other companies of China Telecom and other operators to construct charging system under IMS convergence network mode .

  18. NGN是以IP为统一的平台和核心,以各种业务接入网络为边缘的融合网络。SIP和H。

    Next Generation Network ( NGN ) refers to a convergence network with IP as the uniform infrastructure and core , pushing access networks to various services to the edge .

  19. 尽管IP化已成为宽带数据网络的演进方向,但电信运营商在选择融合网络解决方案时比较现实的选择是优化现有传送网基础设施,同时要兼顾公司目前或将要提供的业务。

    Although IP deployment has become the trend of broadband data network evolution , the practical way in selecting converged network solu-tions is to optimize the existing transport network infrastructure , and con-sider service provisioning conditions at the same time .

  20. 本文介绍了IMS的基本概念,发展背景,重要协议,网络构架,IMS业务和融合网络等方面的内容。

    This paper will introduce the basic concept of IMS and the evolution background , important protocals , network architecture , IMS network integration services and the related contents .

  21. 未来的移动通信系统将是一种基于全IP技术、支持多种无线接入方式和无缝漫游功能的异构融合网络。

    Mobile telecommunication system in the future will be heterogeneous converged networks , which based on all IP ( Internet protocol ) technology , integrate different types of radio access technology , support the seamless handover and roaming between heterogeneous networks .

  22. 利用因特网协议/多协议标记交换(IP/MPLS)技术建设多业务承载网络,可以为商业客户和企业客户提供有服务质量(QoS)保证的融合网络。

    The Internet Protocol / Multi-protocol Label Switching ( IP / MPLS ) technologies can be employed to build multi-service transport network and provide guaranteed QoS to support the converged multi-service networks for business and enterprise customers .

  23. 人们逐渐认识到未来无线通信发展的趋势已经不再是某种技术的一统天下,而是各种无线网络共存、相互补充、协同工作、支持终端无缝移动性的全IP异构融合网络。

    It is increasingly recognized that the development trend of wireless communication technology is no longer a technology-dominated world , but a variety of wireless access technologies coexistence , complement and cooperate with each other , which offers various access services and seamless mobility .

  24. 3GPP最先提出的IP多媒体子系统IMS被各标准组织和广大运营商、设备制造商认为是实现下一代融合网络的核心技术。

    The IMS ( IP Multimedia Subsystem ) that the 3GPP first puts forward is considered as the core of the next generation converged network technology by the standards standard organizations and operation business , equipment manufacturers .

  25. 通过搭建测试环境进行系统测试,结果表明系统实现了3G和WLAN融合网络接入认证需求,保证了无线链路传输的安全性。

    The result of the system testing through setting up the testing environment shows this system realizes the access-authentication of both 3G and WLAN network and at the same time the security of data transmission in wireless link is guaranteed .

  26. 设计并实现了一种支撑IP(互联网协议)多业务融合网络系统的核心交换机,给出了硬/软件体系结构、质量服务实现和其他关键技术。

    Design and implement of switches for an IP ( Internet protocol ) of multi - services integrated network were studied , The work includes structures of the switches ' hardware and software , QoS ( quality of service ) implement 's mechanisms and some other key technologies .

  27. 因此,这两种网络之间有很好的互补性,EPON和WiMAX的融合网络提供了一种低成本、高带宽和高覆盖的接入网解决方案,能充分发挥两种网络的优势。

    Consequently , EPON and WiMAX are complementary for each other , the integrated network can take advantage of the two network which provides a access network solution with low cost , high bandwidth and wide cover range .

  28. 提出了一种基于MAA架构的AACN接入认证方案,可以有效解决IMS融合网络中不同接入方式的用户接入IMS网络的安全问题。

    We propose AACN access authentication scheme which is based on MAA architecture for convergence network users . The new scheme could resolve security problems for different access network users in convergence network effectively .

  29. FMC融合网络不仅仅带来了成本的节省和网络管理的简化,此外其最大的益处在于因其可以支撑多种接入方式的灵活切换而满足了客户对移动和便捷性的需求。

    FMC not only brings cost saving and simplifies network management , but also does its greatest benefit in its ability to support multiple access modes and meet the customers needs of mobile communication and convenience .

  30. 本文提出的一种电子资源和图书馆公共目录查询系统(OPAC)的完全融合网络化管理方案,有利于提高电子文献的利用率和管理。

    This paper puts forward a network management method integrating electronic resources with Online Public Access Catalog system ( OPAC ) of the library , which enables the electronic resources to be easily managed and frequently used .