
  • 网络Tuck School of Business;Tuck;Tuck business school
  1. CORe将对加州大学伯克利分校和达特茅斯学院塔克商学院等学校的本科生暑期商业课程构成直接威胁。

    CORe more directly competes with summer business programs for undergraduate students from schools like UC-Berkeley and Dartmouth College 's Tuck School of Business .

  2. 2015年,咨询业连续第二年成为达特茅斯大学塔克商学院(TuckSchoolofBusinessatDartmouth)MBA学员的头号去处。

    Consulting firms hired the most MBAs at Dartmouth 's Tuck School of Business in 2015 for the second consecutive year .

  3. 为了实现品牌管理,塔克商学院还对twitter实施监控,并在恰当的时候参与上面的对话。

    To manage its brand , tuck also monitors twitter and joins conversations where appropriate .

  4. 由于未来的学生一般都是大型社交媒体的用户,因此塔克商学院正通过facebook和twitter来与他们互动。

    Prospective students are typically big social media users , so the school engages them on Facebook and twitter .

  5. 今年夏天,塔克商学院成立了由斯劳特教授领导的全球商业与政府中心(centerforglobalbusinessandgovernment),帮助未来的企业领袖认识企业和政府之间的复杂联系。

    This summer tuck launched the center for global business and government , headed by Prof slaughter , to prepare future business leaders with an understanding of the complex interactions between companies and governments .

  6. 国家最有名的一个课程是新安普敦达茅斯大学塔克商学院的MBA课程。

    One of the nation 's most prestigious MBA programs is the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth University in New Hampshire .

  7. 斯坦福大学(StanfordUniversity)的德克•珍特(DirkJenter)和塔克商学院(TuckBusinessSchool)的卡特琳娜•卢埃林(KatharinaLewellen)研究认为:金色降落伞条款不应该像现在这般罕见且苛刻。

    Dirk Jenter of Stanford University and Katharina Lewellen of Tuck Business School find that golden parachutes are rarer and stingier than they should be .

  8. 由于它的支撑行业不断增长,这门生意一直非常健康,达特茅斯学院(DartmouthCollege)塔克商学院(TuckSchoolofBusiness)院长保罗?达诺斯解释说。

    It has been a very healthy business because of the growth in the underlying industry , explains Paul Danos , dean of Dartmouth College 's Tuck School of Business .

  9. 正如塔克商学院(TuckSchoolofBusiness)教授维贾伊•戈文达拉扬(VijayGovindarajan)在新书《三盒解决方案》(ThreeBoxSolution)中所概述的那样,Alphabet希望采取一种均衡战略。

    Alphabet aspires to a balanced approach , as outlined by Vijay Govindarajan of Dartmouth 's Tuck business school in a new book , The Three Box Solution .

  10. 按他自己的估算,他一共用了50个小时研究塔克商学院的课程、教师和教授,读书,与MBA课程专家们交流。

    He reckons he spent 50 hours studying Tuck 's programs , facilities , and professors , reading books , and speaking with MBA program experts .

  11. 鲁梅娜说,企业界或许希望达特茅斯学院(DartmouthCollege)塔克商学院(TuckSchoolofBusiness)的维杰o戈文达拉扬分享他在创新和战略领域的专长,他的演讲费上限为5.5万美元。

    Companies may want Vijay Govindarajan from Dartmouth College 's Tuck School of Business , whose speeches draw fees up to $ 55000 , for his expertise on innovation and strategy , Rumena says .

  12. 塔克商学院毕业生们的慷慨一方面反映了MBA学生在两年学习期间,彼此之间和与学校之间建立起的亲密关系。

    The generosity of Tuck 's alumni reflects , in part , the strong bonds MBA students make with each other and the school during their two-year MBA experience .

  13. 在位于美国达特茅斯的塔克商学院(TuckSchoolofBusiness),新生在抵达学校的头一天就要学习荣誉守则,同时他们还必须要参与某种形式的社区服务。

    At Dartmouth 's Tuck School of Business in the US , students are taught the honour code from the first day they arrive on campus , when they must also participate in some form of community service .

  14. 说起在达特茅斯大学(Dartmouth)塔克商学院(TuckSchoolofBusiness)攻读MBA的经历,学生们都会这么形容。塔克商学院位于偏远的新罕布什尔州汉诺威市。学院的学生和教授的关系非常融洽。

    That is how students describe the MBA experience at Dartmouth 's Tuck School of Business in rural Hanover , N.H. , where students and professors get to know each other remarkably well .

  15. 在2011年秋季开始到塔克商学院读MBA之前,He一直生活在中国。她去参加了一个有美国学生及国际学生参与的开学前航海旅行,它对锻炼英语和学习文化习俗有帮助,但是她觉得一周的时间显然还不够。

    Ms. He , who lived exclusively in China before starting at Tuck the fall of 2011 , found a preterm sailing trip with other domestic and international students useful for practicing English and learning cultural quirks ,

  16. JasmineHe是达特茅斯学院(DartmouthCollege)塔克商学院(TuckSchoolofBusiness)的MBA二年级生,她说她当初就没指望自己在短短几天时间内就能适应下来,因为她在参与课堂交流以及与招聘者闲聊时都有些吃力。

    Jasmine He , a second-year M.B.A. student at Dartmouth College 's Tuck School of Business , says she would have liked more than just a few days to adjust , as she struggled to join in classroom exchanges and conduct small talk with recruiters .

  17. 之前一年,有一位朋友的GMAT分数更低,但被塔克商学院录取,这让格兰特燃起了希望,结果希望变成了泡影。

    The fact that a friend with a lower GMAT score had gotten into Tuck the year before after being wait-listed gave Grant hope , which turned out to be false .

  18. 不过,事实证明,塔克商学院带给他的痛苦更加强烈。

    But it turned out to be less painful than the one from Tuck .

  19. 然后,格兰特前往伊利诺伊州埃文斯顿,对凯洛格商学院进行了考察,并参加了该学院的面试,这一次,凯洛格夺走了塔克商学院在格兰特心中的位置。

    Then Kellogg usurped Tuck , after Grant visited the school in Evanston , Ill . , and had his interview .

  20. 格兰特说道,两年前申请塔克商学院,并且只申请了这一所学校,是对我的一次磨练。

    Applying to Tuck , and only Tuck , two years ago was kind of like my trial thing , Grant says .

  21. 为了准备申请材料和面试,他拜访了五位塔克商学院的学生,并在电话里向另外八位来自该校的学生请教。

    To prepare for writing his application and the interview , he met with five Tuck students and interviewed another eight by phone .

  22. 一年前,格兰特只申请了达特茅茨学院塔克商学院,但未被录取。

    The year before , Grant had applied to Dartmouth College 's Tuck School of Business alone , but didn 't get in .

  23. 塔克商学院招生主管多纳?克拉克说:塔克商学院的校友们对于学院的感情就像人们对第一个孩子的感情一样。

    Tuck alums feel as strongly about the school as people do to their first-born children , says Dawna Clarke , director of admissions .

  24. 格兰特说道,两年前申请塔克商学院,并且只申请了这一所学校,“是对我的一次磨练。”

    Applying to Tuck , and only Tuck , two years ago was " kind of like my trial thing , " Grant says .

  25. 所以,第二次申请塔克商学院的时候,格兰特感觉自己应该是条件更好的候选者。

    For his second chance at Tuck , Grant felt he was an even better candidate . And the school had become his last hope .

  26. 克拉克表示,以今年为例,塔克商学院的留学生比例已达到34%,为该商学院的历史最高水平。

    This year , for example , the ratio of international students at Tuck has reached 34 per cent , the highest in the school 's history , says Ms Clarke .

  27. 在适应项目期间,塔克商学院的就业服务处会告知学生哪些企业会聘请需要工作签证的学生并提供相关建议,告诉他们在欢乐时光中如何与人交际的点子,跟学生说明坚定有力地与人握手的重要性。

    During orientation , Tuck 's career-services office advises international students on which companies might hire visa-dependent students , and provides pointers on happy hour mingling and the importance of a firm handshake .

  28. 此外,它还将增加选修课的数量,学生可以在第一年选修这些课程,帮助他们在暑假实习期间,给雇主留下更深刻的印象。8.达特茅斯大学塔克商学院

    The school will also increase the number of electives students can take in the first year to allow them to make a stronger impression on employers during their summer internships . 8 . Dartmouth - Tuck

  29. 他第一次准备塔克商学院的申请和面试共用了50个小时,而第二次五所学校的准备时间总共也没有那么多。

    While he 'd spent 50 hours preparing for his first Tuck application and interview , he fell far short of that when applying to the five schools , not even hitting the same number for all the schools combined .

  30. 2013年10月申请塔克商学院之后,从12月进入候选名单到第二年8月被拒绝,格兰特如同着魔一般,一直担心自己能否被录取,对成功的几率进行了各种计算。

    After applying to Tuck in October 2013 , and languishing on the wait list from December until his August rejection , Grant got a little obsessive , worrying over his prospects of getting in , trying to put numbers to his chances .