
  • 网络Tully;Tally;Thali
  1. 中国粮油食品进出口有限公司在7月份购买了澳大利亚糖业公司塔利糖业的99%的股份。

    COFCO in July bought a99 percent stake of the Australian sugar company Tully Sugar .

  2. 大自然的图案:蝴蝶。一个特写镜头的翅膀是未经确认的蝴蝶找到接近塔利,澳大利亚,唤起一个富有的挂毯。

    A close-up of the wing of an unidentified butterfly found near Tully , Australia , evokes a rich tapestry .

  3. 美联社(AP)报道,塔利班会拦截司机,询问他们的去向,并检查司机的证件。

    The Associated Press ( AP ) reports the Taliban is stopping drivers to ask where they are going and to examine drivers ' documents .

  4. 我的第一次是在盛夏厅之战中对一个塔利家的小子.

    Mine was some Tarly boy at the Battle of Summerhall .

  5. 安塔利雅包机。一只鸟进入了涡轮。

    The antalia charter . a bird got into the turbine .

  6. 塔利坐下来,往椅背上一靠,数起了天花板上的瓷砖。

    Tally settled back and counted the tiles on the ceiling .

  7. 是的莫尔塔利的案子我刚到家

    Yeah , the Mortali case . I just got home .

  8. 当这一天来临的时候,塔利孤零零一个人等着车子来接她。

    When the day came , Tally waited for the car alone .

  9. 塔利巴人追了一早上。

    The pursuit of the talibas continued all the morning .

  10. 不只塔利班会杀小孩,

    It 's not just the Taliban killing children .

  11. 到第二天中午,故事便传遍了整个塔利镇。

    By noon of the next day , the story was all over Tarrytown .

  12. 塔利家族也还信仰旧神吗?

    Does house Tarly keep the old Gods ?

  13. 塔利希望能有扇窗户,让她看看外面的新美丽城。

    Tally wished there was a window to look out onto New Pretty Town .

  14. 要是塔利那会儿能想到合适的理由说服谢伊留下来就好了。

    If only Tally had come up with the right argument to make her stay .

  15. 塔利亚文托肉店的烤猪肉脆皮晶莹酥脆,恰到好处地盖住了鲜嫩多汁的瘦肉;

    At Macelleria Tagliavento , the skin , glazed and crispy , covers perfectly moist flesh ;

  16. 母亲一再要求他压低音量,担心塔利班会听见他的声音。

    My mother kept telling him to keep his voice down for fear the Taliban would hear him .

  17. 人们无助地担心塔利班会趁着混乱的局势,重回我们的河谷。

    People were desperately worried that the Taliban would take advantage of the chaos and return to the valley .

  18. 2011年的伊拉克与今日的阿富汗之间的唯一区别是,你能够预见到塔利班会成为一个麻烦。

    The only difference between Iraq in 2011 and Afghanistan today is that you can see the Taliban coming .

  19. 热闹而生动的媒体模仿西方电视的内容,这将让很多朴素的人的兴趣转向塔利布。

    And a lively media scene emulates Western television content that would turn the stomach of many an austere Talib .

  20. 1966年,一个人声称在澳大利亚塔利的一个麦田上方看见一个碟形飞行器。

    In 1966 , a man claimed to have seen a saucer shaped craft over a field near Tully , Australia .

  21. 农场规模也从最初的弗雷-塔利一人,拓展到现在农忙季节时多达600人的雇佣工。

    In the beginning , Frey-Talley worked alone , but now she employees up to 600 workers during the peak-growing season .

  22. 所有人都认为塔利班会回到香拉县,所以他们不理解为什么我们不留在马尔丹。

    Everyone believed the Taliban would return to Shangla so they couldn 't understand why we hadn 't remained in Mardan .

  23. 他担保塔利班会放下他们的武器,和平将降临这座河谷。

    He was the guarantor that the Taliban would lay down their arms and there would be peace in the valley .

  24. 弗雷-塔利为Tsamma制定了雄心勃勃的扩张计划,希望年销售额能在5年内冲到1.5亿美元。

    Frey-Talley has a fairly aggressive growth plan for Tsamma , hoping annual sales will hit $ 150 million within five years .

  25. 父亲深信塔利班会追击并杀害他,但他再一次婉拒警方提供随身护卫的建议。

    My father was convinced the Taliban would hunt him down and kill him , but he again refused security from the police .

  26. Tsamma能够迅速获得食品杂货连锁店的认可,农场主弗雷-塔利功不可没,她在农场的经营上经验丰富,同时又深谙销售之道。

    Tsamma 's quick acceptance from grocery-store chains can be attributed to Frey-Talley 's experience as both a farmer and a savvy saleswoman .

  27. 不管是什麽原因吧,从那天起,这个无头骑士便总在漆黑的夜晚在塔利镇附近的路上游荡。

    Whatever the reason , the Headless Horseman continues to roam the roads near Tarrytown on dark nights from that day to this .

  28. 我要先让伊蒙师傅检查一下这些尸体.你也许是个懦夫,塔利,但人倒是不笨.

    I want Maester Aemon to examine them first . You may be a coward , Tarly , but you 're not stupid .

  29. 但塔利却从未意识到她的朋友会真的逃跑,真的放弃可以一辈子拥有的美丽容颜、迷人魅力与优雅气质。

    But Tally had never once realized her friend might actually run away , giving up a life of beauty , glamour , elegance .

  30. 在翁布里亚中部的贝瓦尼纳古城,沿着一条狭窄而曲折的街道向前走,就会看到一家气派的肉店,名叫塔利亚文托肉店(MacelleriaTagliavento)。

    In the ancient town of Bevagna in central Umbria , down a narrow and winding street , is a magnificent butcher shop called Macelleria Tagliavento .