
  1. 为降低我国小型PO装置的蒸汽消耗,设置皂化塔釜液闪蒸罐回收热量是简单和有效的。

    For lowering the steam consumption , the method of recovering heat by setting up a flash tank at the bottom of the saponification column is simple and effective .

  2. 本工作提出了皂化塔釜液闪蒸的工艺设计方法。

    The paper presents a method of designing the flash tank .

  3. 罐形塔釜工频感应釜底加热的釜内温度分布

    Temperature distribution inside a jar-shape tower caldron heated by working frequency induction

  4. 如何控制塔釜温度?温度为多少?

    How is the bottoms sump temperature control , and at what temperature ?

  5. 精馏塔釜立式热虹吸再沸器传热设计的优化

    Analysis On Heat Transferring Desing Optimization for Vertical Heat Siphon Reboiler of Distillation Tower

  6. 丁二烯萃取精馏塔釜离心泵的干气密封改造

    Retrofits of the Dry Gas Seals of the Centrifugal Pumps of the Butadiene Extraction Distillation Column Reactors

  7. 进料中醋酸含量增加时,塔顶、塔釜醋酸浓度均随之增加。

    With increasing of initial concentration of acetic acid , acetic acid concentration of tower top and bottom increased .

  8. 随着进料位置从最佳进料位置上移或下降,分离效果降低。(5)随着进料温度的升高,塔顶醋酸浓度升高,塔釜醋酸浓度降低,分离效率变差;

    With increasing of feeds temperature , acetic acid concentration of tower top increased and acetic acid concentration of tower bottom decreased .

  9. 同时探讨了塔顶压强、塔顶和塔釜温度、回流比变化对产品纯度的影响,获得了试验条件下的最佳操作条件。

    Furthermore the effects of tower top pressure , temperatures of tower top and bottom , reflux ratio on product purity were analyzed .

  10. 将塔釜的2-甲基-2-丁烯的质量分数从1.0%降至0.6%-0.7%。

    Content of 2 - meth - 2-butene at bottom of the column decreased from 1.0 % to 0.6 % - 0.7 % .

  11. 针对间歇萃取精馏塔釜容积很大和塔釜加热控制复杂的缺点,本文提出并研究了带塔底储罐的间歇萃取精馏。

    For disadvantages of large still in volume and difficult heating control of batch extractive distillation , a storage tank connecting to the still was introduced .

  12. 采用正交试验设计方法安排实验,分别以苯乙烯的纯度和萃取率为评价指标,对萃取精馏过程的主要影响因素&剂油比、回流比、塔釜温度进行了考察。

    Orthogonal array design method was applied to arrange the experiments . The affects of three factors , namely solvent ratio , reflux ratio and reboiler temperature , on the purity and extraction yield of styrene have been studied .

  13. 通过模拟计算,考察了水酯比、回流进料比等对醋酸甲酯水解率及塔釜醋酸浓度的影响。

    The influences of the mole ratio of water feed to methyl acetate feed , reflux feed to methyl acetate feed and the feeding position on conversion and concentration of acetic acid in bottom feed are examined through simulation .

  14. 利用苯乙烯能与某些特定溶剂及水形成三元共沸物的特点,开发出从苯乙烯蒸馏塔釜排放的残焦油中提取粗品苯乙烯的新工艺。

    Based on the characteristic that styrene can form ternary azeotrope with some special organic solvents and water , a new separation process for recovery of styrene in residue tar discharged from the bottom of styrene distillation tower has been developed .

  15. 通过模拟计算,研究了回流比、预热冷却器面积、塔釜冷却量、蒸发器加热量以及泵循环流量对热敏精馏过程的影响。

    By simulation , the effects of reflux ratio , the area of the preheat-cool exchanger , cool duty of still pot , heat duty of evaporator and the liquid flow recycled by pump on heat sensitive material distillation are studied .

  16. 通过理论分析,证明这种新型的具有釜底加热特性的罐形塔釜工频感应加热设备,是林产化工企业及其它化工企业见效快的优良设备。

    Through the theoretical analysis , it is therefor testified that the new type of jar-shape tower caldron with bottom heater of working frequency induction is an ideal installation which will show the benefit quickly in wood chemical and other chemical enterprises .

  17. 本文应用数学物理方法,较详细地分析了具有釜底加热特性的罐形塔釜工频感应加热的釜内温度分布函数,从而为我们设计、分析及制作更合理的罐形塔釜找到了理论依据。

    The temperature distribution fuction inside a jar-shape tower caldron heated by working frequency induction is analysed in detail in the paper by mathematical-physical method . Then the theory for design , analysis and construction of more reasonable jar-shape tower caldron has been found out .

  18. 提出了带有冷存料塔釜的热敏物料间歇精馏流程,该流程包括冷存料塔釜、预热冷却器、循环泵、蒸发器和精馏塔及冷凝器。

    A distillation process for the separation of heat sensitive material is proposed . The equipment for such a process is made up of a cold still pot , a preheat-cool exchanger , a pump , an evaporator , a distillation column and a condenser .

  19. 在适宜的操作条件下,到达反应终点(间歇操作)时塔釜氯化产物中苯的含量可低于1%(质量),同时氯化苯的含量可达到96%(质量)

    Under the suitable conditions , the content of benzene and the content of monochlorobenzene in the chlorination products are lower than 1 % ( m ) and higher than 96 % ( m ) respectively when the reactions reach terminal point ( in batch operation ) .

  20. 吸收稳定系统解吸塔最佳釜温的确定

    Determination of optimum stripper bottom temperature of absorber - stabilizer system

  21. 丙烯腈装置是化工生产企业典型的设备,包含了化工经常使用的设备如炉、塔、釜、器、机、泵及罐槽、池等复杂设备。

    As the typical equipment of Acrylonitrile device in chemical industry manufacturers , it includes heaters , tower , tank , devices , machines , pumps and tanks , pools and other complex equipment which chemical commonly used .

  22. 通过模型研究第二种溶剂加入浓度与一萃塔的塔釜操作温度和丁二烯收率的关系,初步确定这种溶剂的添加浓度。

    The second model added by the mass fraction of the solvent extraction tower with a tower reactor operating temperature and the relationship between the yield of 1,3-butadiene , initially to determine the concentration of this solvent .

  23. 在许多情况下,用带有回流的精馏塔以改善间歇釜的分离性能。

    In many cases , a rectifying column with reflux is used to improve the performance of the batch still .

  24. 置换塔是除聚合釜之外的另一类重要的聚合反应器,文献中还未见到该类反应器模型的报道。

    As another type of important polymerization reactor besides polymerization kettle , the displacement column model is yet never seen in literatures .

  25. 研究了CO2提纯塔的影响因素对塔釜CO2出口浓度的影响。

    The relation between the concentration of CO_2 at the bottom exit of purifying column and its influence factors was researched .

  26. 气体分馏装置的脱乙烷塔底设有隔板,将塔釜分为两个空间。

    The bottom of LPG fractionator is separated into two spaces by baffle .

  27. 提出了一种间歇精馏塔的新结构,即塔釜不存料而从塔底馏出产品的间歇精馏塔。

    A new construction of batch distillation column with zero reboiler holdup and product withdrawn from column bottom is described .

  28. 根据实验小试装置处理量,设计了精馏塔、回流比控制器、塔釜加热器、监控装置、固液混合进料装置,完成了冷却系统、进料系统等辅助设备的搭建。

    According to processing capacity of the laboratory test device , the paper designed the distillation column , the reflux ratio control device , the bottom heater , the monitor , solid-liquid mixing and feeding device , cooling system and feeding system .

  29. 针对精馏塔系统控制中进料量波动对塔釜重沸器蒸器加热量及回流量的干扰,提出了动态前馈的抗干扰控制方法。

    In view of the disturbances of reboiler vapor heating quantity and reflux quantity caused by the feed flow fluctuation in the distillate tower system control , a dynamical feedforward anti disturbance control method is proposed .

  30. 流体力学核算结果表明,选用合适的填料及分布器,能够将全塔压降控制在一定的范围以内,从而保证了塔釜温度不会过高,为产品质量提供了保障。

    The results of hydraulic rating showed that the pressure drop in the towers can be limited to a certain degree by choosing packing and distributor correctly , so the bottom temperature may not be too high , and the product quality can be ensured .