
  • 网络Display Medium;Display Media;presentation medium;Presentation Media
  1. 这种显示媒体直径2.2米,高1.9米,配有国际先进的数千组高亮度发光二极管。

    The display medium , 2.2 meters in diameter and 1.9 meters in height , is equipped with thousands of sets of state-of-the-art high-intensity light emitting diodes .

  2. LED显示屏作为一种新兴的显示媒体,是集光电及计算机技术于一体的高技术产品。

    The LED display screen is a newly arisen display medium , it 's a highly development product who gather the photo electricity and computer technology .

  3. 电子墨水&未来电子报纸和电子书的显示媒体

    Electronic-Ink - Future Display Media for Electronic Paper and Electronic Book

  4. 显示媒体集的创建日期和时间。

    Displays the creation date and time of the media set .

  5. 介绍一种利用滚动条来显示媒体播放的当前位置和控制媒体演播进度的方法。

    This paper introduces how to use scroll bar to display current playing position and control playing course of multimedia system .

  6. 它以其色彩鲜艳,亮度高,寿命长,工作稳定可靠等优点而成为众多显示媒体以及户外作业显示的理想选择。

    It is bright , brightness is high , the life is long , the work stable reliable and so on merits become the numerous demonstration media as well as the outdoor work demonstration ideal choice .

  7. 随着各种显示媒体技术的发展,彩色数字图像在人们工作和生活中的应用也越来越广,因此彩色数字图像色差评价显得日趋重要。

    With the development of various display technology , the color digital images have been widely applied into daily work and life . Therefore , the color difference evaluation of color digital images is becoming more and more important .

  8. 就行业而言,标普的测算显示,媒体、银行、林业产品和建材行业最为脆弱。

    By sector , the measure has identified media , banks , forest products and building materials as most vulnerable .

  9. 图案物件面板显示这个媒体柜选择器并且这些图片可被连结作为填满图片。

    Shape Object Panel showing the Library Resources Picker and the images available to be linked for the image fill .

  10. 不但如此,它们还配有一系列更加有趣的选装设备,包括能在设备和人之间共享数字媒体、或在电视上显示数字媒体的设备。

    They do this alongside a package of more exciting options that include the ability to share digital media between devices and people , or display them on a television .

  11. 帕诺斯研究所在上周(3月1日)发表的一份报告中说,这个调查显示了媒体、决策者和科学家必须鼓励公众就这些“极其迫切”的问题进行讨论。

    Panos London says its survey , published last week ( 1 March ), shows that the media , policymakers and scientists must encourage an " urgently needed " public discussion of the issues .

  12. 计算机访真结果显示,各媒体用户数之间是相互制约的,媒体数据速率和QoS要求越高,可以接入系统的用户数目越少。

    Computer simulation result shows that it is existing a constrained relation among the users of every medium . The higher medium data rate and the QoS are , the less the users are allowed by the system .

  13. 咨询公司科尔尼(A.T.Kearney)进行的调查也显示,由于媒体关注度和生活水平的提高,中国消费者越来越重视食品安全。

    Research conducted by consultants AT Kearney also concluded that Chinese consumers were increasingly focused on food safety , the result of both media attention and rising affluence .

  14. 该报告显示,社交媒体,尤其是微信,过去一年里在40岁以上人群中变得越来越受欢迎。

    The report shows that social media , and especially WeChat , has become more and more popular in the past year among people over the age of 40 .

  15. 随着这一系列方针理念的提出,媒体在环境新闻的报道数量和报道篇幅等方面都有所增加,显示出了媒体对于环境新闻重视程度愈来愈高。

    With the proposed a series of policy ideas , the media has increased in number and length about the environmental news . The media pay more and more attention to the environment news .

  16. 咨询公司Ovum发布的一份新报告显示,来自流媒体服务的下载和新收入,将会让全球音乐市场的数字收入在2015年首次超过实体销售。

    Downloads and new income from streaming services will lift global digital revenues from music above revenue from physical sales for the first time in 2015 , according to a new report from Ovum , the consultancy .

  17. 这显示出了纸质媒体和网络媒体的区别之一。

    This points to one of the differences between print and the web .

  18. 三维模型检索和逼真显示功能在可视媒体平台的实现

    Realization of 3D Retrieval Function and Realistic Display Function Based On Visual Media Platform

  19. 新媒体自引入博物馆以来就在展示设计领域扮演了重要角色,一方面显示出超越传统媒体的优势,另一方面也带来一些隐忧。

    New media plays a significant role in museum exhibitions since 1980s , which shows trend of transcending old media as well as some anxiety .

  20. 据新浪微博前段时间的一份民调显示,对于中国媒体监管机构限制韩国艺人在中国活动的举措,超过30万的网络用户表示支持。

    In an earlier poll on Sina Weibo , over 300000 Net users voiced their support for the Chinese media watchdog 's reported actions to limit South Korean entertainers ' activities in China .

  21. 一项新研究结果显示,美国各地媒体的编辑部由于预算紧缩,不得不解雇记者,削减报道开支,致使越来越多的观众和读者转而上网获取每天的信息。

    A new study says budget woes that have forced newsrooms across the United States to lay off reporters and spend less on their coverage are sending viewers and readers to emerging online forms of learning about the day 's news .

  22. 据《北京晚报》报道,最近公布的《凯度中国社交媒体影响报告》显示,由于社交媒体的负面影响,在1990年后出生的中国年轻人中,已有40%的人关闭了社交媒体应用的消息提醒功能。

    Nearly 40 percent of China 's young people born after 1990 have turned off notifications from social media apps due to the perceived negative impact of social media , according to the recently released Kantar China Social Media Impact Report , Beijing Evening News reported .

  23. 随着信息社会的到来,LED显示系统作为新的信息显示媒体被广泛地应用于诸多领域,日益引起人们的重视。

    Along with the arrival of information society , LED Display System appears as a new information demonstration medium is applied extensively in many fields and has been paid more and more attention .

  24. 水幕显示为公共庆典提供了一种令人兴奋的显示媒体,但技术本身比其外观微妙得多。

    Water screens provide an exciting display medium for public celebrations , but the technology is more subtle than it appears .