
  1. 阐述了离心式中心喷雾显影工艺技术在精细图形制作中的重要性,实验装置、工作原理、工艺参数选择、实验结果以及在制版中的应用实例。

    The importance of centrifugal on-center spray developing techniques for precision mask fabrication , the experimental device , the philosophy of operation the selection of technical parameters , the results of experiments and examples of application are described Some experiment curves and tables are given .

  2. 研究了具有耐水性和高感光度的水性感光性高分子材料,该材料用于制作线路板和集成电路用的丝网印刷胶,并可用水显影,其工艺简单、无污染。

    The purpose of this work is to synthesize hydrophilic photosensitive polymers which possess high photosensitivity and at the same time high water resistance to fulfill the requirements of making screen printing plate for manufacturing electronic circuit board and thick film for integrated circuit and so on .

  3. 深度紫外光刻图形精度模拟研究远紫外无显影光刻催化剂及工艺探讨

    SIMULATION OF PATTERN TRANSFER ACCURACY OF THE DEEP UV - LITHOGRAPHY Study of Catalyst and Technology of Deep - UV Development - Free Lithography