
  • 网络maceral;macerals;Group maceral
  1. 煤中有机显微组分自动识别初步研究

    Preliminary research on automatic recognition of organic maceral in coal

  2. 显微组分荧光测量技术及其应用的设例研究

    Maceral Fluorescence Measurement Technique and Its Application : Cases Studies

  3. 显微组分焦样的CO2气化动力学和表面变化

    Reaction kinetics and surface variation of maceral chars in CO _ 2 gasification

  4. 大同煤不同显微组分富集物焦与CO2反应性研究

    Research into reactivity of char from coal maceral concentrates during gasification with co_2

  5. 低阶烟煤中显微组分含量与CO扩散量的关系

    Relationship of CO Diffusion Quantity and Coal Maceral Contents in Low Rank Bituminous Coal

  6. 用~13cNMR波谱技术研究烃源岩显微组分的化学结构与成烃潜力

    Chemical structure and oil / gas potential of hydrocarbon source rock macerals as viewed by  ̄ 13c NMR techniques

  7. 不同煤岩显微组分富集物焦的CO2反应性均随煤化程度的提高而降低,且随原煤煤化程度的提高,二者的反应性差异减小。

    The CO2-reactivity of both vitrinite-rich and inertinite-rich concentrates decrease with coal rank increasing , but the difference of CO2-reactivity between vitrinite and inertinite becomes smaller .

  8. 化学反应控制的未反应缩核模型能更好地描述煤岩显微组分焦的CO2反应性。

    The test data on CO2-reactivity ofcoal macerals are well expressed by Unreacted Shrinking Core Model in which chemical reaction is considered as the rate-controlling step .

  9. 煤岩有机显微组分热解过程中HCN和NH3生成规律的研究

    Studies on the formation of HCN and NH_3 during coal macerals pyrolysis

  10. 中低变质程度煤显微组分结构的~(13)C-NMR研究

    ~ ( 13 ) C-NMR analysis on different macerals of several low-to-medium rank coals

  11. 与煤浆稳定性有关的主要煤质因素为煤岩显微组分分析中丝质组分的质量分数和煤灰成分分析中SiO2的质量分数,复相关系数为0.779。

    The content of inertinite in petrographic macerals and the content of SiO2 in coal ash are the major factors influencing the static stability of CWS .

  12. 实验结果表明,在显微组分热解过程中HCN主要是挥发分二次裂解的产物。

    ℃ . The results show that HCN is mainly produced by the secondary thermal cracking of coal volatile .

  13. 鄂尔多斯盆地煤显微组分的micro-FTIR研究

    Micro - FTIR analysis of macerals in coals from the Ordos Basin

  14. 显微组分受激光束辐照最终时刻的荧光强度(F(400))以及最终荧光强度/初始荧光强度比值(F(400)/F0)是反映其荧光特性的有效参数。

    It has been found that final fluorescence intensity ( F_ ( 400 )) and the ratio of final fluorescence intensity and initial fluorescence ( F_ ( 400 ) / F_0 ) are two of effective parameters for characterizing maceral fluorescence properties .

  15. 其相对吸附量Q或Qm、吸附平衡常数K及相对比表面积S∑或S∑~r的变化取决于煤化程度、煤中显微组分的类型和性质以及无机物质的含量和性质。

    The relative adsorption content Q , Qm , adsorptional equilibrium constant K , and relative specific surface S ∑, S ∑ are dependent on coalification , microlithotypes , and macerals of coal , and the content and properties of inorganic materials in coal .

  16. 结果表明:C-P不同体系域的有机显微组分性质、有机地球化学特征、生烃潜力和有机相存在明显差异。

    The results show that maceral composition , organic geochemistry , hydrocarbon potential and organic facies of C-P hydrocarbon source rock vary in different system tracts .

  17. 在TG-151热天平上考察了神木煤显微组分的热重特性,并用质谱对热解气体进行了在线检测分析。

    The thermogravimetric characteristics of Shenmu coal and its macerals were systematically investigated using TG-151 thermobalance , and the evolved pyrolysis gases were on-line analyzed using mass spectroscopy .

  18. 煤显微组分热解过程中含硫气体逸出特性

    Characteristic of Sulfur-Containing Gases Released from the Pyrolysis of Coal Macerals

  19. 华北地区煤的显微组分结焦性热台试验

    Heating stage test on the coking properties of macerals of coal

  20. 用差热分析技术研究煤岩显微组分的加压气化动力学

    Pressurized gasification kinetics of coal macerals using differential thermal analysis technique

  21. 用吡啶抽提法对煤岩显微组分结构变化的研究

    Study on the change of coal macerals ' structure by pyridine extraction

  22. 神木煤显微组分半焦燃烧特性煤粉孔隙结构对燃烧过程的影响

    Effects of porous structure on coal particle reactivity of combustion

  23. 神木煤有机显微组分的结构特征与热转化性质的关系

    Relationship between structure characteristics and thermal conversion property of Shenmu maceral concentrates

  24. 海拉尔盆地煤及其显微组分的红外漫反射光谱特征

    Diffuse reflectance infrared spectra of coals and coal macerals in Hailar Basin

  25. 南堡凹陷烃源岩的显微组分与生油门限的关系

    Relationship between source rock macerals and oil forming threshold of Nanpu depression

  26. 显微组分以基质镜质体为主,微粒体特征。

    The maceral is mainly desmocollinite , having the characteristics of micrinite .

  27. 煤中矿物质对焦炭光学显微组分的影响

    The influence of mineral matter on optical texture of coke

  28. 有机显微组分的二次离子质谱研究有机电致发光显示

    Study of macerals in hydrocarbon source rocks by secondary ion mass spectrometry

  29. 全岩显微组分定量统计及其在烃源岩评价中的应用

    Quantitative Statistics of Whole Rock Macerals and Its Application in Evaluating Source Rocks

  30. 海相黑色页岩中一种动物型的有机显微组分

    A kind of animal maceral in marine black shale