
  • 网络telinite
  1. 高压地层顶部的过渡带可以用声波过渡时间、碳氢化合物指数(PI)、伊利石化程度、干酪根的结构以及镜质体反射率的变化加以确定。

    The top of the anomalously pressured transition zone is identified by marked increases in sonic transit time , hydrocarbon production index ( PI ), clay diagenesis , and vitrinite reflectance .

  2. 首次提出芳核平均结构尺寸与镜质体反射率之间的关系在干酪根的热演化过程中具有三段式特征。

    The authors advanced for the first time that the relationship between average dimensions of aromatic nuclear structure and reflectivity of vitrinites can be described by the three-stage model during the thermal evolution of kerogen .