
  • 网络Sporinite;sporopollenin
  1. 分析了煤中的孢粉体与可溶于机质关系,认为蕨类孢子含量与氯仿沥青“A”和非烃正相关,与饱和烃、芳烃则显著负相关。

    In this paper , the authors analyzed the relationship between sporopollen and soluble organism is analyzed . The results showe that the content of fern spore positively , but Gymnospermae pollen is negatively correlated to bituminous " A " and total hydrocarbon HC .

  2. 根据孢粉分析和可溶有机质抽提后得到的数据,采用数理统计的方法分析了煤中的孢粉体与可溶有机质关系。

    According to the data obtained from analysis of sporopollen and the soluble organism , the relationship between sporopollen and soluble organism was studied by mathematical statistics .