
yán sè bō li
  • colored glass
  1. 硒硫化镉颜色玻璃制造中的若干问题

    Some problems in the production of selenium cadmium sulfide glass

  2. 宝石蓝颜色玻璃的试制与生产实践

    Trial Manufacture and Productive Practice of Jewelry Blue Glass

  3. 相关组分在制造硒硫化镉颜色玻璃中的作用

    Functions of correlation constituents in CdSe-CdS color glass

  4. 浅灰色颜色玻璃的研制

    Development of Light Grey Glass

  5. 色盘上的标准颜色玻璃色应取用作为标定标准色的比色液进行校正。

    Color wheel standard on the color of glass color be used as a calibration standard color solution for correction .

  6. 该方法既可以用于颜色玻璃的制备,其产品也可作为制备其他材料的原料。

    This method can be used to produce color glass and its product is also the raw material of other devices .

  7. 理论推导出了光在颜色玻璃中的反射-吸收-透射公式,利用公式计算出的离子着色玻璃的光谱透射曲线与实验测试结果十分接近。

    According the analysis of experimental results , we summed up of the reflect-absorption-transmission formulas law of light in color glass . Use of the formulas to calculate the different concentration of the ion-doped glass coloring spectral transmittance curve and the experimental results are very close .

  8. 并饰以有颜色的玻璃和类此的有光彩的东西;

    and withal embellished with colored glass , and such things of lustre ;

  9. 通过与不同颜色的玻璃珠线玩,我还可以添加其他的装饰元素水平的设计。

    By playing with different colors of beading thread , I could also add another level of decorative elements to the design .

  10. 比如各种颜色的玻璃座椅,可给家居添加丰富多彩的视觉效果,带给人轻松愉快的心情。

    For instance the vitreous seat of all sorts of color , can add the visual effect of rich and colorful to household , bring a person relaxed and happy mood .

  11. 用许多有颜色的小块玻璃或石头组合在一起来装饰。

    Decorated with small pieces of colored glass or stone fitted together .

  12. 我们把握住了现代人的需求,并且把这种需求明细化、具体化,具体到颜色、落地玻璃等处的细节的设计。

    We grasp the demand of the modern people , and specify this demand , referring to the design of colors , floor glass and so on .

  13. 用小块有颜色的石头或玻璃拼起来的图案。

    Design made of small pieces of colored stone or glass .

  14. 采用罗维邦自动比色仪可以直接测定固体脂松香的加纳色度值和颜色级别。同时与E型罗维邦比色仪和中国松香颜色分级玻璃标准色块测定的结果进行比较。

    Gardner chromaticity value and color grade of solid gum rosin was determined with a Lovibond automatic colorimeter .