
  • 网络translucent body
  1. 将半透明体放在光源与眼睛之间

    Interpose a translucent body between a source of light and the eye

  2. 半透明体的发射比、反射比、透射比和真温等参数的测量

    Measurements of emittance , reflectance , transmittance and truth temperature of a semitransparent body

  3. 但是如何对火焰等半透明体进行三维形态的重构还是一个难题。

    But how to reconstruct the three-dimensional shape of the semitransparent object like flame is still a problem .

  4. 这种新型透明木材可以作为窗户或者半透明的房体材料,因为它既能够接受阳光照射,又能维护个人隐私。

    Panels of transparent wood could be used for windows or semi-transparent facades , to let light in while still maintaining privacy .

  5. 我自然而然地闭了一下眼睛,一会儿又睁开,我看见光线是从装在舱顶上的一个半透明的半球体中发出来的。

    After involuntarily closing my eyes , I reopened them and saw that this luminous force came from a frosted half globe curving out of the cabin 's ceiling .

  6. 将该方法与半透明大平板表观发射率的解析解及圆盘状半透明体表观发射率的蒙特卡洛方法数值解进行了比较,并用该方法对圆盘状半透明体的表观发射进行了分析。

    The apparent emissivity results obtained by this method are separately compared with the exact solutions of the semi transparent slabs and the numerical values of disc bodies of semi transparent medium gained by Monte Carlo method , and the apparent emissivity of a disc body is investigated .