
  • 网络Mid-Levels;HILL.COCKTAIL
半山 [bàn shān]
  • [halfway up a hill] 山腰

  • 而半山居(停着)雾若带然。--清. 姚鼐《登泰山记》

  1. 在港岛半山住宅的雪柜里,放着的多半外国进口的食品。

    Refrigerators in the Mid-levels tend to store imported food .

  2. 上面半山腰处就是那个村庄。

    Half way up the mountain was the village .

  3. 我们寻声向东望去,只见一片瀑布从半山腰里倾泻而下。

    Following the noise , we looked towards the East and saw a waterfall tumbling down from halfway up the mountain .

  4. 感谢您的来信,你对你的半山佛蒙特基督教学校(MVCS)的儿子报名参加调查的可能性。

    Thank you for your email and you inquiry about the possibility of your son enrolling at Mid Vermont Christian School ( MVCS ) .

  5. 无锡马山东半山生态修复研究

    Study on Ecological Restoration of Mashan Eastern Mountain in Wuxi City

  6. 深圳市半山海景花园雨水利用工程设计

    Design of rainwater utilization project in half-hill seascape garden in Shenzhen city

  7. 爬到半山时,他没力气了。

    Halfway up the mountain his strength failed him .

  8. 房屋既在半山上,不用那么多木料,便不能成为房子吗?

    Why was so much timber needed for houses halfway up a hill ?

  9. 二半山常规籼稻区种植早熟杂交稻初探

    Study on Plant of the Precocious Hybridize Rice at Two Half Mountain Normal Regulations

  10. 到了半山,我不得不停自行车,歇口气。

    I had to stop my bike halfway up the hill to draw breath .

  11. 吉林省山区与半山区山野菜植物资源开发利用的探讨

    Discussion Exploitation and Utilization of Mountainous and Semi-mountainous Area Wild Potherb Resources of Jilin Province

  12. 空调也可以不开,吹吹从半山上滑下来的风就是。

    The wind flowing from the mountain is so cool that the air-conditioner is unwanted .

  13. 约书亚等在半山,摩西一个人上了山顶。??

    Joshua stayed part-way on the mountain , but Moses went on alone up the mountain .

  14. 半山80:这段时间是困难的和未来的滑雪社会。

    Mid80 's : This period of time was difficult for the up and coming snowboard community .

  15. “半山”,是三正酒管公司着力打造的一流中国民族高星级酒店品牌。

    " Goodview " is a first-class Chinese civil starred hotel brand forged by SANGEM Hotel Company .

  16. 98动物医疗中心,香港半山摩罗庙街28号地下。

    Animal Medical Centre , G / F , 28 Mosque Street , Mid Levels , Hong Kong .

  17. 如果只是去看风景,歌德何必将心丢失在海德堡的半山!

    If just for going sighting , why did Goethe fall in love with the valley in Heidelberg !

  18. 山区半山区稻瘟病流行区硅肥的抗病增产效果研究

    Effects of Silica on the Resistance to Rice Blast and on Increasing Grain Yield in Mountainous and Semi-mountainous Areas

  19. 月亮湾山庄、龟山别墅、青青山庄,半山海景别墅则建在大小南山;

    North Villa , Guishan villa , green Villa , Villa was built in the Mid-Levels Harbour Nanshan size ;

  20. 连接中区与半山区的山坡自动扶梯连接系统走到半山腰时,发动机熄了火。

    Hillside Escalator Link between the Central District and the Mid-Levels Half way up the hill , the engine pooped out .

  21. 很多年以前,当这个半山古厦还灯火辉映、富丽堂皇的岁月里,在里面住着两个雕塑家:喀洛斯和穆赛德斯。

    Many years ago , when the hillside villa was new and resplendent , there dwelt within it the two sculptors Kalos and musides .

  22. 北京市土地利用格局的区域差异呈现如下规律:土地利用多样性和土地利用组合类型数由近郊向远郊平原、远郊半山区依次递增;

    The regulation showed : land use diversity and combination types of land use were increased from suburb to distant suburb plain and half coteau .

  23. 有大量马家窑文化的半山、马厂类型和齐家文化、辛店文化、卡约文化的遗存。

    There are a large number Banshan , Machang of Majiayao culture and the type of plant Qijia culture , Xindian culture , Kayue cultural relics .

  24. 这是一个西部的老式的坟地,座落在离村子大约一英里的半山上。

    It was a graveyard of the old-fashioned Western kind . It was on a hill , about a mile and a half from the village .

  25. 然而,待爬到陡崖的半山腰时,他们看到前面的地上刻着一行字:把你的劳动果实给我。

    Halfway up the steep slope , however , they came across words cut into the ground before them : Pay me the fruit of your labors .

  26. 芙蓉山上的芙蓉寺,在韶关市内很多地方都能望见,它就在那座装有雷达的山峰下半山腰里。

    Lotus Temple Lotus Mountain in Shaoguan city , saw many places can be , it is equipped with radar in the Nazuo hillside where the next summit .

  27. 半山上有一条路缀满了电灯,在黑暗中看来就像一条火龙一样围在岛上。

    There is a road around the middle of the mountain and the electric lights along the road look like a long dragon winding its way in the darkness .

  28. 根据黑龙江省林业形势探讨了该省山区、半山区及浅山区的概念。

    Based on the current situation of the forestry in Heilongjiang Province . the concepts of mountainous region . semi-mountainous region and peripheral mountainous region are discussed at this paper .

  29. 徐晶很幽默,记得在半山时出现了两个巨大的环形彩虹,我和大家说都许个愿吧。

    Xiao Wu is very humorous , I remember when in the Mid-mountain , there are two huge circular rainbow in the sky . I tell you all make a wish .

  30. 沙漠冲浪,速度也可以很快的,有不少人半山腰折了在那儿翻跟斗,瞧瞧,真正高手的架势是这个样子的。

    Sand-surfing isn 't as easy as it appears , the speed could be high , a lot people were doing somersault , here is what a " pro " looked like .