
qīng yuè
  • Qingyue;clear and melodious;crystal
清越 [qīng yuè]
  • [crystal] [声音]清脆激越;清脆悠扬

  • 北音清越。--宋. 苏轼《石钟山记》

  • 清越的歌声

清越[qīng yuè]
  1. 其声清越,烈如箫管。(《聊斋志异》)

    Her voice , as beautiful as the notes of a flute , was clear and far-reaching .

  2. 柔软清越的声音;用她那银铃一样的嗓子歌唱。

    A soft silvern voice ; singing in her silvery tones .

  3. 在高塔旁北风呼啸,吹响了清越的号角。

    And clear and cold about the tower its loud horn calls .

  4. 当大地仍在束缚中时,那小小的清越之声已经在柔弱的空气中呼唤春天了。

    How could the little silver bugles sound the rally so swiftly , in the soft air , when the earth was yet bound ?

  5. 我坐在大讲堂的唱诗班里聆听清越的晚课歌声,奥斯汀当年再熟悉不过的歌声,感觉自己与这位伟大的女作家更近了一分。

    As I sat in the cathedral choir , listening to the soaring music of evensong - repeating prayers that Austen would have known well - I felt I had come a little closer to the great " authoress , "

  6. 在一定程度上可以说玄言诗孕育了山水诗。玄学使山水具有清越之气,老庄思想使人们向往自然。

    On certain degree , it may be said that landscape poems were born out of poems of metaphysics , which gave the former the air of purity , and the thinking of Lao Tsu and Zhuang Tsu made people yearn towards the nature .