
  • 网络disinfection
  1. 结论:清毒饮、养正片确能下调Bcl-2表达,而对P53作用不够明显。

    Conclusion : QY and YP can lower the expression of Bcl - 2 but not act on P53 .

  2. 清毒饮对K562细胞周期的影响,还表现出明显的时间依赖性;

    The effects of Qing-Du decoction cell cycle of K562 cells were expressed on time-dependent manner .

  3. 清毒栓血清药理对宫颈癌SiHa细胞P53基因调控作用的研究

    Serum pharmacology of Qingdu suppositorium and its regulating effect on SiHa cell P53 gene expression in cervix cancer

  4. 清毒栓含药血清对宫颈癌SiHa细胞MDM2基因的影响

    Effect of Qingdu Suppository-containing Serum on Cervical Carcinoma SiHa Cell MDM2 Gene Expression

  5. 目的:观察清毒栓治疗宫颈人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)感染的临床疗效,并探讨其作用机理。

    Objective : To study the clinical effect and mechanism of Qingdu suppository ( QDS ) in treating cervical human papilloma viral infection ( HPV ) .

  6. 方法以不同浓度清毒栓含药血清培养液作用于SiHa细胞,并设立空白血清及含中、西药阳性对照药血清为对照,通过MTT法检测清毒栓对细胞生长增殖的影响;

    Methods SiHa cells were cultured in media with serum containing different concentrations of QDS and blank serum , as well as serum containing various Chinese herbal or Western drugs as positive control .

  7. 保持第一时间清除中毒,它将使你的治疗只有一半效果,然后在你清毒的同时你还可以继续DPS。

    Keeping wounding poison off effectively doubles the amount of healing your healer can do , and since it 's all instants you can still maintain most of your dps while spamming cleanse .

  8. 现场试验以HBsAg阳性病人用后的污染胃镜,作为消毒前对照,经内镜清洗消毒机清毒,胃镜表面涂抹采样,用免疫层析分析技术检测其HBsAg,用聚合酶链反应(PCR)技术检测HBV-DNA。

    Gastroscopes used for patients with positive serum HBsAg were disinfected by automatic disinfection machine , samples were collected before and after treatment . Immunoassay was used to test HBsAg , PCR ( Polymerase hain reaction ) techniques were used to test HBV - DNA .

  9. 目的:观察鼻咽清毒颗粒加鼻渊舒口服液对鼻咽癌高危人群EB病毒壳抗原抗体VCA/IgA的抑制作用。

    OBJECTIVE : To investigate the effect of application of bi yan qing du ke li combined with nasosinusitis relieving oral liquid on EB virus VCA / IgA titers in patients with the high risk of nasopharyngeal carcinoma ( NPC ) .

  10. [目的]观察鼻咽清毒颗粒合用鼻渊舒口服液对鼻咽癌患者放疗后EB病毒壳抗原抗体VCA/IgA滴度水平和鼻咽部症状的作用。

    [ Purpose ] To investigate the effect of Bi Yan Qing Du granule combined with Bi Yuan Shu oral liquid on the titers of EB virus VCA / IgA and on nasopharyngeal symptoms in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma ( NPC ) after radiotherapy .

  11. 如果是单独的决斗,盗贼也许会杀掉萨满。萨满可以依靠清毒图腾和清毒术高效率的接触来自盗贼的治疗Debuff。

    While in a direct duel the rogue will likely destroy the Shaman , the Shaman can effectively neutralize the rogue 's healing debuffs with a combination of poison cleansing totem and direct cleansing .

  12. 清毒栓对宫颈炎模型大鼠部分炎性细胞因子的影响

    Effects of Xiaodu Suppository on Some Inflammatory Cytokines of Rats with Cervicitis

  13. 清毒奶中耐热菌&乳微杆菌的分离与鉴定

    Isolation and Identification of Microbacterium Lacticum in Pasteurized Milk

  14. 目的:设立蛇芪清毒颗粒的制备方法和质量控制标准。

    Objective : to set up the preparation and quality control criteria of the snake and toluylene granules for hygrotoxin .

  15. 鼻咽清毒颗粒合用鼻渊舒口服液治疗放疗后鼻咽癌患者的临床研究

    Clinical Study of Bi Yan Qing Du Granule and Bi Yuan Shu Oral Liquid in Treatment Patients with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma after Radiotherapy

  16. 结论清毒栓治疗宫颈糜烂疗效确切,是一种安全、有效、无副反应的中药外用制剂。

    Conclusion Qingdu Pessary has a reliable effect on erosive cervicitis and it is a safe and effective external preparation of Chinese medicine without adverse reaction .

  17. 补肾清毒法对乙肝患者树突状细胞及其介导T细胞功能的作用

    The Effect of the Treatment of Nourishing Kidney and Clearing Away Toxicity on the Functions of Dendritic Cell and Its Induced Specific T Cells in CHB Patients

  18. 我还没有看到那个盗贼能上毒比我清毒还快,但不敢保证比一个毒药残废贼快。

    I have yet to see a rogue that I couldn 't cleanse faster than he could apply poisons , but I 'm not100 % sure I 've tried that against a mutilate rogue .

  19. 并指出病毒的传播引起的计算机结点的状态变迁是获取病毒实际传播路径的重要依据,而计算机感染病毒的诊断和清毒是获取该依据的重要手段。

    The thesis points out state changing of the vertices caused by the spreading of the virus is the important hints to tracing the spreading path of the virus , the scanning and cleaning are main methods to get these hints .

  20. 新生活运动的内容包含很多方面,主要有规矩与清洁、禁烟清毒和社会风俗改良、普及教育及识字运动、卫生防疫、战时宣传支援抗战和一些其他方面内容。

    The New Life Movement contains many aspects , mainly the " rules " and " clean ", opium poison and the social customs reformation , universal education and literacy movement , health and epidemic prevention , wartime propaganda to support the Anti Japanese War and some other aspects .

  21. 疫毒证治并非清解温毒一法

    Clearing Noxious Damp Was Not the Only Method of the Treatment of Epidemic Disease

  22. 清解瘀毒胶囊对脑出血大鼠血红蛋白毒性作用的影响

    Study on the Effect Hemoglobin Toxic Effect of Cerebral Hemorrhage in Rat with Qing Jie Yu Du Capsule