
qīnɡ chú jì
  • scavenger;remover
  1. 维生素E是体内最主要的生物自由基清除剂和抗氧化剂之一。

    Vitamin E is the main body of biological free radical scavenger and antioxidant one .

  2. 超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)是氧自由基的清除剂。

    Superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) is the scavenger of oxygen free radicals .

  3. 我们弄了一些油漆清除剂,把它清理掉了。

    We got some paint remover and scrubbed it off .

  4. 甲醛清除剂B可进一步降低板材甲醛释放量;

    Agent B can further lower formaldehyde emission from panels .

  5. γ射线辐射诱导质粒DNA单链断裂:与DNA和自由基清除剂浓度的关系

    γ - Rays Radiation-Induced Single Strand Breaks of plasmid DNA : Related to the

  6. 各种自由基清除剂在γ射线辐照DNA损伤中的作用

    A study of protective action of different scavengers on DNA damage induced by γ rays

  7. H2O2的清除剂CAT几乎可完全抑制ABA所诱导的DAF的荧光增加;

    CAT almost completely inhibited the increase of DAF fluorescence induced by ABA .

  8. 自由基清除剂对环磷酰胺致大鼠血清和卵巢MDA含量及SOD活性的影响

    Effect of free radical scavengers on MDA and SOD in seria and ovaries cyclophosphamide-treated immature female rats

  9. H2O2和·OH及其清除剂对大麦叶片液泡膜微囊质子转运活性的影响

    Effects of H_2O_2 ,· OH and Their Scavengers on the Activities of H + Transport in the Tonoplast Vesicles Isolated from Barley Leaves

  10. 应用氧自由基清除剂维生素C、维生素E和甘露醇防治再灌注损伤。

    Prevention of further oxygen free radicals ( OFR ) injury to various tissues with OFR scavengers , including vitamin C , vitamin E , and mannitol .

  11. 自由基清除剂对特异性转移因子抑制小鼠S(180)细胞RNA合成作用的影响

    Influence of free radical scavengers on specific transfer factor induced inhibition of RNA synthesis in S_ ( 180 ) tumour cells

  12. 此信号可被Vc或富含SOD等多种自由基清除剂的沙棘果汁所抑制。

    The signals were diminished by adding Vc or fruit juice of Elaeagnus angustifolia containing rich SOD and other free-radical scavengers .

  13. 自由基清除剂分酶类清除剂(抗氧化酶)与非酶类清除剂两大类。它清除过氧自由基剂的作用超过维生素C和GSH,这些有名的自由基清除剂。

    There are two kinds of the scavengers for free radicals in the organism , namely enzymes ( Antioxidative enzymes ) and non-enzyme compounds .

  14. 自由基清除剂在运动后对血浆LpO和肾组织结构的影响

    Effects of Free Radical Scavengers on Plasma Lipid Peroxide and Renal Tissue Structure After Exercise

  15. 加入活性氧清除剂VC或DMSO可部分抵消干旱胁迫或单独增加活性氧引起的DNA合成抑制。

    Besides , the inhibition of DNA synthesis was able to be reduced by adding ROS scavengers such as VC and DMSO .

  16. 海岛棉清除剂SOD、POD活性性状是由多效基因控制的不完全显性遗传性状。

    The characteristic about Ensure system of zyme SOD , POD activity changing were dominant heredity incompletely and controlled by many gene .

  17. 用1-100mMH2O2处理8-18h能显著促进不定根的形成与生长,H2O2清除剂CAT和ASA能去除外源H2O2对不定根形成和生长的促进作用。

    The treatment with 1-100 mM H2O2 for 8-18 h significantly promotes the formation and development of adventitious root .

  18. Eda等自由基清除剂可通过清除自由基而保护蛋白酶体的活性或功能,因此可能对具有治疗作用。

    Free radical scavenger such as Edaravone protected proteasome activity and function and may be have therapeutic action .

  19. 观察头针对手术期氧化应激产物丙二醛(MDA),氧自由基清除剂超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)的影响。

    Effects of scalp acupuncture on malondialdehyde ( MDA ) level and superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) activity at the operation stage were observed .

  20. 得到了DNA碎片长度的分布和双链断裂数目随辐射剂量的变化规律,评估了自由基清除剂甘露醇和维生素C的抗辐射能力。

    The distributions of DNA fragment lengths and the changes of number of DSBs as the dose increase are obtained . The radioprotective capability of scavenger , mannitol and vitamin C is estimated .

  21. 结膜下注射自由基清除剂Edaravone治疗大鼠视网膜静脉阻塞

    Subconjunctival injection of free radical scavenger Edaravone for retinal vein occlusion in rats

  22. 用自由基清除剂SOD防治后,Ach诱导的动脉松弛性恢复,基底动脉MDA,SOD的变化减轻。

    Pretreated the basilar artery with SOD , led to the recovery of decreased relaxation and attenuation of changes in MDA and SOD .

  23. 活性氧清除剂显著抑制了淹水胁迫对胚乳细胞PCD进程的推动作用。

    ROS scavengers could inhibit the intensifying of PCD processes in endosperm cells induced by waterlogging .

  24. 反应性氧代谢物清除剂逆转ROM对NK细胞抗K562细胞系体外抑制作用

    Scavenger of Reactive Oxygen Metabolites Reverses the ROM Induced Inhibition of NK Cell-Mediated Killing Effect on K562 Cell in vitro

  25. 羟基清除剂及EDTA可抑制菲咯啉铜配合物介导的脂质体过氧化反应。

    The liposome peroxidation , however , initiated by phenanthroline copper chelate was prerented by · OH scarvages and EDTA .

  26. 胞内活性氧清除剂N-乙酰-L-半胱氨酸(NAC)处理2h时后,再加入小剂量H2O2,发现胞内活性氧的产生明显减少;

    The intracellular ROS production stimulated by H 2 O 2 decreased when pretreated with ROS scavenger NAC .

  27. SOD是氧自由基的清除剂,能清除脂质过氧化产物,对组织细胞产生保护作用。

    Superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) which is a clearance agent to free radical can clear lipid peroxides and is a role in protecting cells and tissue .

  28. 线粒体膜电位快速去极化,NADPH氧化酶活性剧降,ROS快速减少,ROS清除剂促进凋亡;

    Mitochondria membrane depolarized quickly , the activity of NADPH oxidase declined sharply , and ROS production decreased rapidly .

  29. 作者认为Ge-132为一种超氧自由基清除剂。

    It can be concluded that Ge-132 is a superoxide scavenger .

  30. 对研制成功的CQ-1和NS-916等难溶垢的清除剂做了室内评价和现场应用试验。

    This paper introduces the CQ - 1 and NS - 916 type cleaning agent of infusible scale .