
  • 网络cavity;socket
  1. 不同粘接修复材料对窝洞充填修复边缘微渗漏的影响

    Effect of various restorative materials on cavity filling microleakage

  2. 铒、铬:钇钪镓石榴石激光用于牙体窝洞制备的实验研究

    Experimental study of application of Er , Cr : YSGG for dental cavity preparation

  3. 方法在20只猫下尖牙上进行深窝洞的树脂直接充填,测量猫下齿槽神经痛觉传入神经C纤维在树脂充填过程中的诱发放电变化。

    Methods Deep cavities of twenty cat mandibular canines were prepared and composite resin was directly filled .

  4. Nd∶YAG激光照射对非酸蚀的充填材料与牙体窝洞界面密合度的影响

    The Effect of Nd ∶ YAG Laser Irradiation on the Seal Capability Between Filling Materials Without Acid Erosion and Tooth Cavity Walls

  5. 全瓷嵌体修复MOD窝洞的三维有限元研究

    A Study of MOD Cavity Restored with All-Ceramic Inlay Using the Three-dimensional Finite Element Method

  6. 目的通过检测树脂直接充填深窝洞前后猫脑脊液中P物质含量的变化,研究树脂充填引起牙髓神经疼痛反应的变化规律。

    Objective To observe changes in concentration of substance P in cerebrospinal fluid ( CSF ) of experimental cats before and after composite filling in order to study the pulpal pain response to the direct composite filling .

  7. Solitaire与银汞合金充填后牙窝洞的疗效观察

    Therapeutic observation on solitaire and silver amalgam filling in treating cavity

  8. 目的观察Solitaire与银汞合金充填后牙窝洞的临床效果。

    Objective To observe the clinical effects of solitaire and silver amalgam filling in treating cavity .

  9. 结论适宜功率的Nd∶YAG激光照射,对减少非酸蚀的3种常用牙体充填材料与牙齿窝洞界面微渗漏可能是一种有效方法。

    Conclusion An appropriate output power of Nd ∶ YAG irradiation may be an effective method of decreasing the microleakage between 3 kinds of normal used filling materials without acid erosion and cavity walls .

  10. 实验组在进行根管充填前,应用自酸蚀体系粘结剂XenoⅢ处理冠1/3根管壁及窝洞,光照固化。

    The therapy group was treated with acid Xeno III for 1 / 3 root canal and cavity before filling canal and cavity and then light solidification .

  11. 近中-切-远中窝洞切削工具上倾斜的边缘。

    Mesio-incisio-distal cavity a sloping edge on a cutting tool .

  12. 超硬瓷化树脂充填后牙窝洞的效果观察

    Observation of the effect of HB resin filling molar cavity

  13. 用扫描电镜观察窝洞表面形态。

    Then surfaces were observed using the scanning electron microscope .

  14. 后牙窝洞修复继发龋危险因素分析

    Risk factors for secondary caries in posterior teeth

  15. 年轻的人已经永远离开自己的窝洞时,首先看到的。

    The young were always already out of their brood cave when first seen .

  16. 窝洞清洁剂暴露的牙本质中TGF-β超微结构定位

    Ultrastructural localization of TGF - β s exposure in dentine by cavity conditioning agents

  17. 微创窝洞预备技术

    Current clinical techniques in minimal invasive cavity preparations

  18. 目的龋病治疗预备窝洞后,牙本质小管口呈开放状态。

    Objective The dentinal tubules were patent after cavity preparation in the treatment of caries .

  19. 清理牙齿窝洞有助于改善修复性能,而处理剂的选择是重要的。

    The cleansed dental cavity surface is helpful to improve the property of the restoration .

  20. Nd:YAG激光照射对根尖倒充填术窝洞封闭性影响的初步研究

    The effect of radiation of Nd : YAC laser on sealing ability in retrograde filling

  21. 一种是利用填补材直接将窝洞填补起来;

    A is the use of fill material directly into the cavity to fill up ;

  22. 目的研究树脂直接充填深窝洞引起牙髓神经的即刻疼痛反应。

    Objective To observe the instant pain response of cat pulp nerve during composite filling .

  23. 不同深度牙体窝洞制备对人成牙本质细胞影响的实验研究

    WHERE ARE HIS TEETH ? Influence of different depth in cavity preparations on adult odontoblasts

  24. 的:评价牙科电子麻醉在窝洞制备和开髓过程中的镇痛效果。

    Objectives : To evaluate the analgesic effect of electronic dental anesthesia ( EDA ) .

  25. 结论窝洞充填时间长短、窝洞充填的不良洞型及牙髓失去活力是牙折重要原因。

    Conclusion Cavity filling time , faulty cavity and nonvital pulp are important causes of odontoclasis .

  26. 用光固化复合树脂充填窝洞时牙髓反应的探讨

    A study of the dental pulp reaction for the cavity filled with the light curing composite

  27. 目的研究窝洞充填并发牙折的影响因素,客观评价最佳的预防措施。

    Objective To investigate the influence factor of cavity filling complicating odontoclasis and evaluate the prevention measure .

  28. 结论:电子麻醉在窝洞制备时有良好的镇痛效果,但对开髓的镇痛效果并不理想。

    Conclusions : EDA can be an effective analgesic method for cavity preparation , but not for pulp treatment .

  29. 方法:在新近拔除的30个人磨牙的颊、舌侧颈部分别制洞,将牙齿分为6组,每组5个牙,10个窝洞。

    METHODS : Class ⅴ cavities were prepared on labial and lingual side of each tooth which were freshly extracted .

  30. [方法]髓室底穿孔患牙73颗,用氢氧化钙糊剂和玻璃离子水门汀覆盖穿髓孔,然后行常规根管治疗及窝洞充填。

    The perforations of pulp floor of 73 cases in molars were repaired with glass ionomer cement and hydroxide calcium .