
wō peng
  • shack;shanty;shed;hut;hunting box
窝棚 [wō péng]
  • [hut;shack;shanty;shed] 能避风雨的简陋的小屋

  • 绕过一条弯路,你便走到一小窝棚和一个旋转式栅门的地方

窝棚[wō peng]
  1. 这对情侣现在住在一个窝棚里,和西点(WestPoint)相距几条街;西点是一片广阔、连绵的贫民窟,上周被划为埃博拉隔离区。

    The couple now share a shack a few blocks outside West Point , the vast , sprawling slum that was placed under an Ebola quarantine last week .

  2. 他们顺着大路一killturtle翻译起走到老人的窝棚,从敞开的门走进去。

    They walked up the road together to the old man 's shack and went in through its open door .

  3. 他们用旧木条搭了一个简陋的窝棚。

    They built a rough shelter from old pieces of wood .

  4. 他们用败落下的枯树枝搭了个窝棚。

    They constructed a shelter out of fallen branches .

  5. 足足有30%的贫困人口甚至连非法窝棚都住不起。

    Fully 30 % of the poor could not even afford access to illegal shanties .

  6. 士兵们用一些木条搭了一个窝棚。

    The soldiers built a shelter from a few pieces of wood .

  7. 桅杆跟这窝棚内的单间屋子差不多一般长。

    The mast was nearly as long as the one room of the shack .

  8. 家里人把汤姆藏在窝棚里。

    The family concealed Tom in their shack .

  9. 在大路的另一头老人的窝棚里,他又睡着了。

    The other end of the road old shacks , he again fell asleep .

  10. 他在窝棚外撒了尿,然后顺着大路走去叫醒孩子。

    He urinated outside the shack and then went up the road to wake the boy .

  11. 这种零食就可以从蒙特利尔和劳伦山脉附近的糖窝棚里买到。

    The treat can be purchased from sugar shacks near Montreal and in the Laurentian Mountains .

  12. 地精贸易王子的宫殿和奴隶的窝棚都位于安德麦。

    Slave pens and the Palaces of the Goblin Princes of Trade are located in Undermine .

  13. 他强取自己的帐幕,好像是园中的窝棚,毁坏他的聚会之处。

    He has laid waste his dwelling like a garden ; he has destroyed his place of meeting .

  14. 在看林人的小屋旁边,隐隐约约可以看见哥萨克的窝棚和拴在一起的马的黑影。

    Close by the hut could be seen the black outlines of the Cossacks'shanties and the horses tied together .

  15. 收入较低的人靠近海滩,而穷人居住在乡镇,到处是木屋和窝棚。

    Lower income people live closer to the beach , with the poor residing in townships full of wooden homes and shacks .

  16. 孩子拿着那罐热咖啡直走到老人的窝棚,在他身边坐下,等他醒来。

    The boy carried the hot can of coffee up to the old man 's shack and sat by him until he woke .

  17. 双胞胎瑟瑟发抖地互相搀着,壮着胆子走了几码到邻近的一个窝棚里去传播那令人畏惧的消息。

    The twins , holding tremulously to each other , dared the few yards to the next shelter and spread the dreadful news .

  18. 2006年4月10日,野草地上流浪者的窝棚和旁边正在建设的高楼形成极大的对比。

    Shacks on the grass field form a stark contrast to the nearby high risers under construction in Guangzhou of Guangdong , Apr.10,2006 .

  19. 当然,对于许多生活在窝棚区的人来说,即使是塔塔正在开发的此类低价住房也超出了他们的经济承受能力。

    Of course , for many of those living in squatter settlements , even low-cost homes such as those being developed by Tata are beyond their financial reach .

  20. 1845年,他在瓦尔登湖边造了一座窝棚在那儿独自生活了两年,过的是劳动和研究的生活。

    In1845 he built himself a small framed house on the shores of Walden Pond , and lived there two years alone , a life of labor and study .

  21. 但西点地处市区,估计有6到12万人挤在那里摇摇欲坠的窝棚里,事实已经证明,对这样整整一个城市地区进行隔离,除了漏洞百出之外,还有其他问题。

    But the quarantine of an entire urban neighborhood , where an estimated 60,000 to 120,000 people are crammed into crumbling shacks , has proved to be more than just porous .

  22. 荷兰一动物园中上演了温情一幕:维修工终其一生都在动物园为动物们清理窝棚,在他即将离世之际,长颈鹿仿佛感受到了悲伤、献出给饲养员的告别之吻。

    This is the touching moment a giraffe bid a sad farewell to a dying worker who had spent his entire adult life cleaning the animal 's enclosure at a Dutch zoo .

  23. 他们顺着大路朝老人的窝棚走去,一路上,黑暗中有些光着脚的男人在走动,扛着他们船上的桅杆。

    They walked down the road to the old man 's shack and all along the road , in the dark , barefoot men were moving , carrying the masts of their boats .

  24. 窝棚用大椰子侸的叫做“塰鸟塮”的坚韧的苞壳做成,里面有一张床丶一张桌子丶一把椅子俰泥哋上一处用木炭烧奍的哋方。

    The shack was made of the tough budshields of the royal palm which are called guano and in it there was a bed , a table , one chair , and a place on the dirt floor to cook with charcoal .

  25. 在中国古代原始社会里,人们长期过着穴居、巢居、窝棚等生活,经过实践经验的总结,人们开始认识到圆形空间的经济、结构安全和构造简单,因此曾大量建造圆形住宅。

    In the Primary society of china , people lived in caves or shacks for a long period . After summarizing the housing experience in practical , people began to realize that the circular spare provided inhabitants reasonable cost , safe structure and simple construction .