
  • 网络Headhunting;The Hunter
  1. 猎首在台湾日据时期继续存在。

    The practice of head-hunting continued during the Japanese occupation of Taiwan .

  2. 奥斯曼土耳其人也是猎首者,但攻击时没那么恶毒。

    The Ottoman Turks were also headhunters but less vicious when attacking .

  3. 雅鲁藏布江以南的所有人以前都是猎首者。

    All the people living south of the Brahmaputra River were formerly headhunters .

  4. 这种文化导致了袭击和战争期间的猎首。

    This led to head-hunting during raids and wars .

  5. 黑山人是狂热的猎首者,甚至到了1912年还在做这事。

    The Montenegrins were avid headhunters and even practiced it as late as 1912 .

  6. 下面就是10个最邪恶的猎首人群和部落。

    These are the 10 most vicious groups and tribes that participated in head-hunting .

  7. 欧洲的凯尔特人猎首,一开始是为了宗教目的。

    The Celts of Europe practiced head-hunting mainly for religious reasons in the beginning .

  8. 部落认为,猎首能给他们超自然的力量。

    The tribe believed that taking the heads of others would give them supernatural power .

  9. 有的佤族部落被说成“野蛮”,因为他们实施猎首。

    Some of the Wa tribe were known as the " wild " Wa because they practiced head-hunting .

  10. 黑山人在欧洲出没过,猎首时的主要目标是奥斯曼土耳其人。

    The Montenegrins could be found in Europe , and they primarily targeted the Ottoman Turks when head-hunting .

  11. 后来,凯尔特人被半凯尔特的盖尔人变成了基督徒,但猎首的做法仍在继续。

    Later , the Celts were converted to Christianity by the demi-Celtic Gaels , but the practice of head-hunting continued .

  12. 欧洲的西古提人是优秀的骑兵,也是野蛮的雅利安猎首者,古希腊历史学家希罗多德都写过他们的部落。

    The Scythians of Europe were known as excellent horsemen and Aryan headhunters so savage that Herodotus wrote about their tribes .

  13. 毛利人是进行猎首和吃掉战俘,最为人所知的人群之一。

    The Maori were one of the most known groups to participate in both the head-hunting and cannibalism of their conquered enemies .

  14. 台湾原住民包括多个部落和地区,除亚米人之外,他们都进行过猎首。

    The Taiwanese aborigines were divided into various tribes and areas , but all of them participated in head-hunting except for the Yami people .

  15. 他们的部落现在不再进行猎首,但会做复制品卖给前来的游客。

    The taking of heads is no longer practiced by their tribe , but they still produce replica heads to sell to tourists who visit the area .

  16. 在台湾被日本殖民之前,猎首会定期发生,头颅可以在诸如生日和婚葬等各种仪式上找到。

    Before Taiwan was colonized by Japan , head-hunting was practiced regularly and heads would be found at various ceremonies like birthdays , funerals , and weddings .

  17. 台湾和日本后来的定居者常常成为原住民猎首的目标,因为他们被视为入侵者、骗子和敌人。

    Late settlers of Taiwan and Japan were often the victims of aboriginal head-hunting raids because the newcomers were seen as invaders , liars , and enemies .

  18. 在黑山,猎首是战争的辅助手段,在袭击中只起了次要作用,尤其是人们住得近,经常发生摩擦是。

    In Montenegro , head-hunting was an adjunct in warfare and played only a minor role in raiding , especially when the people lived close enough for feuds .

  19. 在失传的阿霍姆语中,“阿萨姆”的意思是“无与伦比的”,这个意思对一群特别恶毒的猎首者来说很完美,因为他们相信自己是人上人。

    The word Assam means " peerless " in the extinct Ahom language , which is the perfect meaning for a group of particularly vicious headhunters who believed that they were above the rest .

  20. 被称为希瓦罗人的南美印地安人生活在安第斯山脉东麓,被认为是猎首者中最凶残的人。

    The South American Indian people known as Jivaro lived on the eastern slopes of the Andes and were known to be the most vicious of all the groups when it came to head-hunting .

  21. 一些猎首的最早记录来自中国春秋(公元前770至公元前475年)和战国时期(公元前475至221年)的秦军。

    Some of the oldest reports of head-hunting are from the Qin army in China during the Spring and Autumn Period ( 770-476 BC ) and the Warring States Period ( 475-221 BC ) .

  22. 大部分猎首部落都是类似战士的攻击者,但阿萨姆部落会用偷袭的方式接近猎物,让突击队通过奇袭获得敌人的首级。

    Most head-hunting groups were warrior-like attackers , but the Assam tribe approached their prey in a sneakier manner . They used surprise tactics by parties of raiders to take the heads of their enemies .

  23. 花东子组甲骨所提供的新资料很多,本文重点讨论:第一,殷墟花园庄东地甲骨提供的若干新资料,内容涉及时称、大岁、猎首诸方面;

    The bones and tortoise shells in the Huadong subgroup provide large quantities of new data : First , these new materials involve many areas , such as names of time , greater year and hunting chief .

  24. 猎首是一种将人杀死后,砍下或保存头颅的仪式性习俗,它被用来证明男子成年,削弱对手,使人在来世变成奴隶,或者把头作为纪念品或战利品收藏。

    Head-hunting is known as the practice of taking or preserving the head of a person after killing that person for a ritual and ceremonial purpose . Head-hunting was conducted to prove one 's manhood , take a rival 's power , make the person a slave in the afterlife , or collect the head as a souvenir or trophy .