
  • 网络orion;Orion spacecraft
  1. 尽管最近几年NASA的预算得到了大量的削减,但是在2006年的时候给该实验室拨款61亿美元用以研发猎户座飞船。

    Despite massive NASA budget cuts recently , NASA gave the lab $ 6.1 billion in 2006 for Orion 's construction .

  2. 范德比尔认为猎户座飞船是NASA最富雄心的飞船,而且将在未来30年内带领人类进行太空探索。NASA希望猎户座飞船能够完成从探月到火星探险等任务。

    Orion , Vanderbiltwrites , is " NASA 's most ambitious crewed vehicle ever " and will " carry the human space program for the next 30 years . " NASA hopesOrion will be able to complete everything from lunar exploration to Marsmissions .

  3. 张柏楠表示,目前全世界的新一代载人飞船中,只有美国的猎户座飞船具备执行载人登月任务的能力。

    Among the world 's new manned spacecraft , only the US ' Orion spacecraft is capable of carrying out manned moon landing missions , Zhang said .

  4. 预算中的6.51亿美元将用于支持猎户座飞船和波音为名为“太空发射系统”的登月任务建造的火箭。

    An allotment of $ 651 million will be used to support the Orion Spacecraft and the rocket that Boeing is building for the moon mission -- called the Space Launch System or SLS .

  5. 在史密森学会8月份的《航天与航空》杂志中,汤姆·范德比尔特测试了NASA最新的猎户座宇宙飞船,该飞船将比以往任何飞船都要深入太空中去。

    In the August issue of Smithsonian 's Air & Space magazine , Tom Vanderbilt tests out NASA 's new Orion spaceship , which will go deeper into space than anyspaceship has before .

  6. 根据计划,猎户座将于2017年进行首次太空探险,到时猎户座飞船将首次与NASA的新空间发射系统相结合。

    Orion'sfirst exploration mission , which will be the first to combine Orion with NASA'snew SpaceLaunch System , is scheduled for 2017 .