
  • 网络orion nebula
  1. 阿的猎户座星云的恒星托儿所数字的看法。

    A digital view of the stellar nurseries of the Orion Nebula .

  2. 很少有天文景观能像这个邻近的星星育婴房-著名的猎户座星云-激发著人类的想像力。

    Few astronomical sights excite the imagination like the nearby stellar nursery known as the Orion Nebula .

  3. 该杰作展示了猎户座星云在红外、外和可见光的色彩爆发。

    The masterpiece shows the Orion nebula in an explosion of infrared , ultraviolet , and visible-light colors .

  4. 上张照片是调整对比后,所呈现出特别细致的猎户座大星云影像。

    The above image has been contrast balanced to bring out Orion 's detail in spectacular fashion .