
liè shā
  • hunt and kill
  1. 猎杀珍奇动物是违法的。

    It 's illegal to hunt and kill rare animals .

  2. 在生物力学研究杂志上发表的一项调查表明[作者:StephenWroe等,引用待定],科学家使用三维计算机模型和先进的工程技术来研究鲨鱼如何猎杀他们的食物。

    In research published in the Journal of Biomechanics [ Stephen Wroe et al . , article in press ] , scientists used 3-D computers models and advanced engineering techniques to study how sharks hunt and kill their food .

  3. 很多物种已经被猎杀到灭绝的边缘。

    Many species have been shot to the verge of extinction .

  4. 怎么会有人以猎杀这种美丽的动物为乐呢?

    How could anyone find pleasure in hunting and killing this beautiful creature ?

  5. 他4点钟起了床,徒步出发去猎杀黑琴鸡。

    He got up at four and set out on foot to hunt black grouse .

  6. 这个学校位于的区域有野生动物出没,还允许对其进行猎杀。

    The school is in an area where animals live wild and can be hunted .

  7. 他们过去常猎杀海豹。

    They used to hunt seals .

  8. 一个专门猎杀狮子、大象等大型动物的猎人和妻子、岳母一起去打猎。

    A big – game hunter went on safari with his wife and mother-in-law .

  9. 一只名叫Baby的法国斗牛犬成为了六只小野猪的妈妈。这六只小猪的妈妈被猎人猎杀。

    A little French bulldog called Baby has become a mother to six wild pigs who faced death in a freezing forest after their mother was shot and killed by a hunter .

  10. 当然观众们还会发现他和Shane教授的关系,以及他们联手猎杀吸血鬼的原因。

    You find out more about his relationship with Professor Shane and exactly why they have this alliance .

  11. 从丰富多彩的岛屿服装和T恤衫以独特的创作,手工制作的珠宝及本地酒店LOGO设计艺术家的工艺品,有等待被猎杀和收集特殊纪念品。

    From colourful island apparel and T-shirts to unique creations , handmade jewellery and crafts by local artists , there are special mementos waiting to be hunted and collected .

  12. 猎杀塞西尔的明尼苏达牙医瓦尔特帕尔默(WalterPalmer)采用的装备供应商布须曼游猎公司(BushmanSafaris)即为一例。

    Such is the case with Bushman Safaris , the outfitters used by Walter Palmer , the Minnesota dentist .

  13. 让我们回到《超感猎杀》,它是由电影人安迪与拉娜·沃卓斯基(AndyandLanaWachowski)制作的。

    Which brings me back to " Sense8 , " made by the filmmakers Andy and Lana Wachowski .

  14. 根据濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约(CITES),在2013年,有2万头非洲象被猎杀。

    More than 20,000 African elephants were slaughtered in 2013 , according to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora ( CITES ) .

  15. 玩家可以通过和NPC交谈得知关于迁徙的情报,从而去猎杀它们或者避免遭遇这些怪物如果这些怪物很强大。

    Players may find out the existence and other information of such migration through talking with NPCs so that they may follow them and hunt them or avoid meeting them if those monsters are very strong .

  16. 世界上最大的对冲基金Bridgewater总裁RayDalio,为其投资者抓住猎杀机会而通过冥思竟作来保持冷静。

    and Ray Dalio , the boss of Bridgewater , the world 's largest hedge fund , makes a killing for his investors and keeps calm doing transcendental meditation .

  17. 直到现在为止,Gaibao捕鲸公司已在城市周边海域猎杀了6条鲸鱼并计划在八月捕鲸季结束前再猎杀24条。

    So far this year , Gai bo Whaling Company has hunted six whales in the city 's coastal waters and plans to catch another 24 before the season ends in August .

  18. 近期,美国牙医猎杀明星狮子塞西尔(Cecil)一事在社交媒体和世界各地激发了人们对狩猎的愤怒。

    The recent killing of a popular lion named Cecil by an American dentist in Zimbabwe sparked considerable outrage on social media and elsewhere against safari hunting .

  19. 领导“放开我们的大象”活动的宝拉·卡呼卜博士(DrPaulaKahumbu)依据她所看到的新闻写到:“在肯尼亚被猎杀大象的真正数量至少是官方数字的10倍。”

    Dr Paula Kahumbu , who leads the Hands Off Our Elephants campaign , wrote that - based on the reports she has seen - " elephant poaching in Kenya is at least 10 times the official figures . "

  20. 在这部STX公司的恐怖片中,三个大学生搬进了一所老房子,并在无意中释放了一个灵异生物。一旦有人发现它的名字就会被猎杀。

    The STX thriller follows three college students who move into an old house and unwittingly unleash a supernatural entity who preys upon them once they discover his name .

  21. 伦敦公共关系咨询公司ianmonkassociates负责人伊恩莫克(ianmonk)表示,富豪榜在昔日是光荣的象征,如今则“更像是税务官员、平均主义者和考虑离婚的女人们的猎杀名单”。

    Once a badge of honour , says Ian monk , head of the London-based public relations consultancy Ian monk associates , rich lists now seem " more like a hit list for the taxman , the Levellers and wives contemplating divorce " .

  22. Tsavo基金会(TsavoTrust)的理查兹·莫勒(RicharsMoller)已经观察萨韬几个月了,他证实这头在5月30日被猎杀的大象就是萨韬。他称萨韬为“一个符号”。

    Richard Moller , of The Tsavo Trust , who had been monitoring Satao for several months confirmed that the elephant found dead on May 30 was indeed Satao , whom he called " an icon . "

  23. 谁能告诉我这些猎人们在猎杀什么动物吗?

    Can anyone tell me what these elegant gentlemen are hunting ?

  24. 许多迹象表明,人类的猎杀和争斗本能依然存在。

    The hunting and the fighting instinct continue in many manifestations .

  25. 一等到贝拉脱身,我们就猎杀他。

    As soon as Bella is clear , we hunt him .

  26. 北冰洋的鲸类仍然在遭到猎杀。

    Whales are still being hunted and killed in the arctic .

  27. 如果有那一天,既然会有人来猎杀我。

    If that day comes , then another will hunt me .

  28. 老虎到处被猎杀,快要灭绝了。

    The tigers are hunted everywhere and are dying out soon .

  29. 你和吉米猎杀迅猎兽干嘛,本

    What were you and Jimmy doing hunting Skitters , Ben ?

  30. 告诉那些在外面准备猎杀我们的人吧。

    Tell that to whoever 's out there gunning for us .