
liè chǎng
  • hunting ground;hunting ground (field)
猎场 [liè chǎng]
  • [hunting ground (field)] 特指狩猎区

猎场[liè chǎng]
  1. 对你们来说,这个城市就像是猎场。

    For you , this town is a just a hunting ground .

  2. 企业资产处置是一片猎物丰富的猎场。

    Corporate disposals are a fertile hunting ground .

  3. 好的猎场变得越来越难找了。

    Good hunting grounds are becoming harder to find .

  4. 他给枪重新装上子弹,然后朝猎场看守人点了点头。

    He reloaded and nodded to the gamekeeper .

  5. 该公司创建于两年前,创始人格伦曼彻斯特(glenmanchester)原来是猎场管理员,没有任何it培训或银行业方面的经验。

    Founded two years ago , Thunderhead was set up by Glen Manchester , a former gamekeeper with no it training or banking experience .

  6. 无论快乐还是不快乐的猎场,总数都更少了。

    Hunting-grounds , happy or not , are fewer in number .

  7. 我相信你们已经见过我的猎场看守人了,史蒂分。

    I believe you 've already met my gamekeeper , stephan .

  8. 他们的生死正是取决于猎场上的成败。

    Their very survival depended on success in the hunting-field .

  9. 罗彼·考特拉尼,霍格沃兹最好的猎场看守在《哈利·波特》的最后一天。

    Robbie Coltrane , finest gamekeeper in Hogwarts last day on Harry Potter .

  10. 猎场看守人开始剥兔皮。

    The game-keeper began to skin the rabbit .

  11. 他会在猎场小屋里。

    He 'll be in the hunting lodge .

  12. 他那个猎场看守的活真是无聊。

    And his gamekeeper 's job utterly dull .

  13. 这个市场对于喜欢买旧书的人来说是个理想的猎场。

    This market is a wonderful hunting ground for people who like buying second-hand books .

  14. 这是你的猎场吗?

    Are these your hunting grounds ?

  15. 我们一看到猎场看守员向树林走来时,就赶紧溜掉。

    As we saw a game keeper coming towards the woods , we beat a hasty retreat .

  16. 猎场看守人睡着了。

    The gamekeeper is asleep .

  17. 这里就是他的猎场,这城市的正中央。

    Yeah . This is his hunting ground . Right here in the heart of the city .

  18. 非洲的不少大型动物猎场配有豪华住宿服务。

    Many of the ranches in Africa where big game is hunted have their own luxury accommodations .

  19. 这个狼群的猎场是面积约五平方英里的山顶他们认真看守

    The pack 's hunting ground is about five square miles of mountain top . They guard it zealously ,

  20. 然而,孙玮的丈夫认为她当“偷猎者”比当“猎场看守人”更有前途。

    Christianson 's husband , however , felt she had a brighter future ahead of her as poacher rather than gamekeeper .

  21. 对于狼人来说,最危险的猎场莫过于城市,在他们看来,没有什么是看上去的那么简单。

    For werewolves , the most dangerous hunting grounds are in the cities , for nothing in them is what it seems .

  22. 勃列日涅夫穿着类似的装束,接我上了吉普车。我注意到,吉普车是由一名猎场管理员驾驶的。

    Brezhnev , similarly attired , collected me in a jeep driven , I was grateful to notice , by a game warden .

  23. 但大鲨鱼往往也是不太成功的,这表明了大白鲨是通过经验才知道了哪里是最好的猎场。

    But they also tend to be less successful , suggesting that great white sharks learn through experience which are the best hunting sites .

  24. 他就率领大伙披荆斩棘,把这里开辟成了新的猎场。

    So he persuaded his tribe to come with him and , after overcoming many difficulties , turned the mountain into new hunting grounds .

  25. 白人不仅侵占印第安人的猎场,而且快速地毁灭印第安人的主要食物来源&野牛。

    Not only did white men encroach upon the Indians'hunting grounds , but they rapidly destroyed the Indians'principal means of existence & the buffalo .

  26. 我妈妈是猎场看守主管的女儿,她也是名园丁,所以从我还是小男孩时起,园艺就已经是我的全部世界了。

    Mum was the daughter of the head gamekeeper and she gardened too , so this was my world when I was a boy .

  27. 从北到南,联邦政府获得了大平原数百万英亩印第安人用作传统猎场的土地,用来为工业铁骑开辟道路

    Across the Great Plains.The federal government acquires millions of acres of the Native Americans ' traditional hunting ground to make way for the iron horse .

  28. 它座落在一百英亩葱绿的庄稼地的中心,有着自己私人的猎场和可供钓鱼的奔流的小溪。

    It was set amid the green of a hundred acres of lush farmland , with its own private hunting , and running streams to fish .

  29. 这些新兴住宅区通常配有大片绿地以及先前为皇家猎场的林地,以赋予这些新修的街道和广场类似乡间的田园气息。

    These new areas were linked by huge green spaces , former royal hunting grounds that maintained the idea of these new streets and squares as quasi-country houses .

  30. 这些歌谣犹如歌唱地图,指引他们前往猎场,水源和避难所。

    And what these songs do is they act like a singing map , you know , directing them between hunting grounds , waterholes and good places to shelter .