
liè huò
  • capture or kill in hunting;bag;hunt
猎获 [liè huò]
  • [capture or kill in hunting;hunt] 通过打猎获得

  • 猎获物

  • 猎获大批野兽

猎获[liè huò]
  1. 他隔了几秒钟后才知道自己已成为那一天的猎获物之一。

    It was several seconds before he realized he had contributed to the day 's bag .

  2. 他猎获的东西是两只鹿。

    His bag included two deer .

  3. 她仅猎获了两只鸟。

    She bagged nothing except a couple of birds .

  4. 人云亦云。2.captive的意思是囚徒;猎获物;(尤指)战俘,相关搭配是hold/takesbcaptive。理查德经历了1年零6周的囚禁之后,终于在2月4日被释放。

    Richard was finally released on February 4 , one year and six weeks after he 'd been taken captive .

  5. 这本书中写道:“这些蟒蛇把它们的猎获物不加咀嚼地囫囵吞下,尔后就不能再动弹了;它们就在长长的六个月的睡眠中消化这些食物。”

    In the book it said : " Boa constrictors swallow their prey4 whole , without chewing it . After that they are not able to move , and they sleep through the six months that they need for digestion5 . "

  6. 在新加坡动物园,一头18岁的北极熊猎获一活鱼。

    An18-year-old polar bear catches a live fish at Singapore Zoo .

  7. 有些猎获的飞禽一直保存到开始变质才烹制。

    Some game-birds are kept until they are high before cooking .

  8. 猎鹰急速俯冲,直朝着猎获物扑去。

    The Falcon went into a rapid dive , swooping to a kill .

  9. 猎获物被杀死的动物,尤指在狩猎中。

    An animal killed , especially in hunting .

  10. 你在那里猎获了一份好工作!

    You 've snared a good job there !

  11. 昨天我们猎获了5只兔子。那天狮子只捕杀了一个猎物。

    We accounted for five rabbits yesterday The lion made only one kill that day .

  12. 捕鲸及提炼鲸油业猎获、杀死及加工鲸鱼的行当

    " The business or practice of hunting , killing , and processing whales . "

  13. 狮子坐在猎获物旁。

    The lion sat beside its kill .

  14. 我们今天猎获甚丰。

    We got a good bag today .

  15. 老虎抓住了猎获物。有些鹰类和鸟类把猎获物整个吞食。

    The tiger fastened upon its prey . Some hawks and owls bolt their prey whole .

  16. 较小的捕猎群体不太容易捕捉大动物,也不太容易保卫猎获物。

    A smaller hunting party is less able to tackle large prey and to defend the kill .

  17. 老虎抓住了猎获物。几种化合物对东北主要土壤芳基硫酸酯酶活性影响的比较

    The tiger fastened upon its prey . Response of arylsulfatase in main soils of northeast China to several regulators

  18. 李秘书像个孩子似的跳着嚷着,奔过去捡猎获物。

    Secretary Li jumped and shouted with joy like a child and rushed to pick up the shot bird .

  19. 当然一部分投资者是会有所猎获的,但平均来说对冲基金的表现连无风险的美国国债都不如。

    Of course some investors make a killing , but on average hedge funds have underperformed even risk-free Treasury bills .

  20. 你先走出家门,看看能钓到什么,你想猎获的自然是条大鱼;

    You go out to see what you can catch and your aim , of course , is a big one ;

  21. 若猎获物太多,吃不了就得让狗或虫豸去吃;

    If I kill 'd more flesh than I could eat , the dog must eat it , or the vermin .

  22. 在这繁华都市中,你的心正被谁偷走,而你又在猎获谁的芳心?

    Right here in the busy city , by whom is your heart stolen , and whose heart are you after ?

  23. 然而,比较容易猎获野象,而且它们很快就会便得温驯,听从训象师的命令。

    Wild elephants , however , can be trapped fairly easily , and they quickly become tame enough to obey their trainer 's commands .

  24. 我相信,未来的高尔夫球手们在学院专业教练的培养下,猎获的将不再是动物,而是各项高尔夫球奖项。

    I am sure that players of the future , coached by the academys professionals , will successfully hunt not animals but many golfing trophies .

  25. 先民根据不同的狩猎对象选择不同的工具和方法,被猎获的动物满足了先民对肉食、皮毛、角骨等的需求。

    The ancients chose different tools and methods according to different hunting abjects , the preys provided people with meat , fur , horn and bone .

  26. 值得留心的是,专属型猎头公司代表的是公司,而不是求职者,而且,无论其猎获的“成果”如何,都会获得报酬。

    It 's worth remembering that a retained search firm represents the company , not the job candidate , and is paid regardless of the outcome of the search .

  27. 清代一些学者基于鸿雁难以猎获等考虑,认为《仪礼.士昏礼》所记礼物雁是指家鹅。

    Considering the fact that it 's difficult to capture wild geese , some scholars in the Qing dynasty believed the gift geese in Rites : Weddings of the Gentry had to be domestic geese .

  28. 大约在早秋,几个妇女发现了一群正飞过永定河旁一个小水湾的野鸭子,于是她们用边缘系着卵石的网子扔向鸭群。这个原始部落的男子们几乎每天都可猎获一头公牛。

    In an early autumn , some women found a flock of wild ducks gliding across the small inlet near Yongding River , and then they flung the net with savage tribe could hunt a bull almost every day .