
  1. 只为你的一笑误我浮生的匆匆那年。

    Your smile only mistake I Bliss rush for that year .

  2. 正如《匆匆那年》的作者九夜茴在小说的序言中所写,这本书是献给中国所有80后的。

    As Jiu Yehui , author of Fleet of Time , wrote in her novel 's preface , the book is meant to resonate especially with the post-1980s generation .

  3. 不同于《小时代》、《匆匆那年》、《左耳》等青春爱情片,《何以笙箫默》中并没有青春电影“必备”的欺骗、堕胎、三角恋等元素。

    The movie casts aside those " must-have " ingredients in young adult romance films like " Tiny Times , " " Fleet of Time " and " The Left Ear " - cheating , abortion and the third wheel .