
  • 网络nose;snout
  1. 术后3d鼻部皮肤出现红斑,继而出现结节、溃疡。

    Erythema developed on her nose 3 days after the operation , then , nodules and ulcer developed .

  2. 方法病史及全面临床检查包括鼻部X线、CT、核磁共振(MRI)、鼻内镜等,排除其他肿瘤性疾病;

    Methods Other tumorous diseases were ruled out in this patient by the history and a series of clinical and laboratory evaluations of the nose , including X-ray , computed tomographic ( CT ), magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) and endoscopic examinations .

  3. 专家表示,除了鼻部症状,如控制不当,过敏还可能引发肺部疾病、哮喘、失眠、焦虑、抑郁。

    Besides nose-related symptoms , it can also lead to lung disease , asthma , anxiety and depression if not controlled properly , according to experts .

  4. 基于CT图像的鼻部解剖结构三维重建

    Reconstruction of Nasal Anatomical Structures Based on CT Images

  5. 鼻部源性突眼的CT分析

    CT Analysis of Rhinogenous Ophthalmocele

  6. 目的通过研究鼻部筛骨钩突的CT影像表现,评价16层螺旋CT多平面重建成像价值。

    Objective To evaluate the value of MPR of ethmoidal uncinate processes using 16 slice spiral CT .

  7. 81例以鼻部外伤为主诉,经鼻骨拍摄X线侧位片(62例加做鼻部CT扫描)检见有鼻骨骨折的患者,进行法医临床学鉴定分析。

    1999 were analyzed . Patients were examined by lateral X-ray test . CT-scan was carried out in 62 cases .

  8. 目的探讨CT在鼻部骨折诊断中的优点。

    Objective To evaluate the advantages of computed tomography ( CT ) in diagnosing nasal bone fracture in cases sustained nasal injuries .

  9. 方法对86例鼻部复合性骨折鼻骨CT片(轴扫+冠扫)和有关病历资料进行观察分析。

    Methods Data of CT ( plane and coronal scanning ) and case histories of 86 cases with nasal complex fracture were reviewed and analyzed .

  10. 方法对500例鼻部外伤患者的鼻骨骨折X线侧位和轴位摄片(其中162例同时做CT水平扫描)等资料分析。

    Methods 500 cases of nasal trauma were examined by lateral and frontal X-ray test ( horizontal CT-scan was also used in 162 cases of these patients ) .

  11. CT仿真内镜显示鼻内正常解剖结构、鼻部病变的位置、范围与鼻内镜所见类似,并可进入鼻内镜无法到达的腔道,如鼻窦内、狭窄的鼻道内以及梗阻病变的远端。

    In addition , CT virtual endoscopy allows structural visualization of the paranasal sinuses and distal portion of obstruction with unconventional angles and locations not accessible with rhinoscopy .

  12. 鼻骨CT能避免鼻部诸骨骨折的漏诊及误诊,且骨折认定准确。

    CT scanning is a better way for identifying nasal bone fractures , which may avoid omission or misdiagnosis of the injuries when the nasal bones are merely examined by roentgenography .

  13. 结论:麻芥冲剂可以有效改善AR大鼠模型鼻部症状,其机制可能与降低血中组胺含量有关。

    Conclusion : Majie granule can decrease the histamine content in blood , which may contribute to alleviating the symptoms of rats with AR.

  14. 用药七天后各治疗组的鼻部评分与模型组相比有差异(p0.05)与空白组相比无差异(p0.05)。

    Medication after seven days of nasal treatment groups compared with the model group score difference ( p 0.05 ), compared with the control group no significant difference ( p 0.05 ) .

  15. 合并哮喘12例,经特异性免疫治疗后,鼻部症状与哮喘症状均有不同程度缓解或好转,其疗效与单纯AR患者之间的差异无明显统计学意义(P0.05)。

    12 cases was with asthma . After treatment , nasal symptoms and asthma symptoms were relieved , there was no significant difference compared with pure AR in efficacy ( P0.05 ) .

  16. 方法用TDI致豚鼠过敏性鼻炎造模型,观察敏停喷鼻剂对过敏性鼻炎模型的鼻部过敏症状以及鼻黏膜病理组织形态学的影响。

    METHODS The hypersensitive symptoms of nasal part and the effects on pathohistology of nasal mucosa were observed by copying animal model of allergic rhinitis .

  17. 方法对74例鼻部外伤者同时作了X线鼻骨侧位像、冠状和横断CT扫描。以冠状+横断CT扫描的结果为准,比较了各种检查方法之间对鼻部外伤影像学征象的检出率。

    Methods The lateral radiography , coronal CT scan and axial CT scan findings of 74 patients with nasal region injury were analyzed and compared with each other , on the basis of diagnosis of coronal CT scan + axial CT scan .

  18. Ivalon无痛止血海绵在鼻部手术中的应用观察及护理

    Observation and Nursing of Ivalon Painless Hemostasia Sponge in Nasal Operation

  19. 方法对41例X线胸片、组胺激发试验、鼻部检查正常的慢性咳嗽患者进行24h食管pH监测,并利用症状相关性概率(SAP)来分析咳嗽与反流的相关性。

    Methods The continuous ambulatory esophageal pH measurement was performed for 24 hour in 41 cases with chronic cough who had normal chest roentgenographic presentation , negative histamine provocation test and no abnormality of nasal cavity .

  20. 鼻腔是最常见的原发部位,因而鼻NK/T细胞淋巴瘤可以作为发生在鼻部病例的同义词。

    The tumor is typically located in the nasal cavity and therefore the name " nasal NK / T-cell lymphoma " may be used as a synonym for those cases presenting in the nasal region .

  21. 鼻息肉(nasalpolyps,NP)是临床上较为常见的慢性鼻黏膜炎症性疾病,也可是某些全身性疾病的鼻部表现,成人发病率为1%-5%。

    Nasal polyps ( nasal polyps , NP ) are clinically more common chronic nasal inflammatory disease , but also certain systemic diseases of the nose performance , adult prevalence rate of 1 % - 5 % .

  22. 目的观察Ivalon无痛止血海绵在鼻部手术中的应用效果,并总结护理经验。

    Objective The effect of Ivalon painless hemostasia sponge in nasal operation and sum up nursing .

  23. 结果:1围手术期鼻部粘膜大体形态学观察:(1)P1和S1:鼻腔分泌物较多,组织粘膜充血水肿等病变;

    Mass morphological observations of rhinomusoca during the perioperative period : ( 1 ) P1 and S1 : discharge could be seen in nasal cavity , accompanied with mucosa congestion and edema ;

  24. 除空白组外,余组造模后并分别给药,疗程15d。观测大鼠鼻部症状并计分,检测血中组胺吸光度。

    The nasal symptoms of rats were observed , the accumulative scores of nasal symptoms were calculated and the histamine content in blood were determined .

  25. 结论:鼻部形态和唇部形态为一整体,改进Tennison法弥补了对鼻畸形修复的不足。

    Conclusion : The improvement method is more concern repairing the deformity of nose and it is more advantage than Tennison 's.

  26. 2例皮肤淋巴瘤患者中所有的瘤细胞Ki67均阳性。在EB病毒RNA检测中,12例发生于上呼吸消化道的病例阳性,包括鼻部的9例,以及鼻外的3例。

    All tumor cells in the skin cases were positive for Ki-67 . Epstein-Barr virus ( EBV ) mRNA was detected in 12 upper aerodigestive tumors including 9 of 12 nasal and 3 extranasal tumors .

  27. 结论:基于中国第一号虚拟人数据集,用3-D软件可以实现鼻部颞骨部分解剖结构三维可视化,便于对该部解剖结构的观察和理解。

    Conclusion : The results show that 3D slicer may be used for the 3-dimensional visualization of parts of anatomic structures in the nose and temporal bone area based on the first virtual human data , thus facilitate the observation and understanding of the anatomic structures in this area .

  28. 谈论到谁是NBA历史中谁是最有名气的“面具侠”时,你不得不提汉密尔顿。在03至04底特律活塞夺冠的那个赛季中汉密尔顿遭遇鼻部损伤,之后直至12到13赛季退役,期间他一直戴着面具出战。

    Arguably the most notable mask-wearing player in NBA history , Hamilton made it his calling card after breaking his nose during the Pistons ' title run during 2003-04 season . He ended up wearing the mask until he retired after the 2012-13 season .

  29. 结果117例TCL中26例表达NK/T细胞标记(22.2%),其中鼻部NK/T细胞淋巴瘤15例(57.7%);

    Results NK / T cell marker was expressed in 26 of 117 ( 22.2 % ) T cell lymphomas ( TCLs ) , among which there were 15 cases ( 57.7 % ) of nasal NK / T cell lymphomas .

  30. 方法:对于鼻部皮肤菲薄者使用膨体聚四氟乙烯(ePTFE)或固体硅胶-自体真皮复合体隆鼻,可形成自然外形,增加鼻长度及鼻尖高度,避免皮肤过顶发白甚至假体顶出等并发症。

    Methods ePTFE or the composite of silicon implant and dermal autograft is adopted for patients with thin skin to assure natural outcome , extend the length of nose and heighten the nose tip .