
  • 网络nasal index
  1. 鼻指数均以狭鼻型为主,男女各占74%,69%。

    Nasal index narrow-nose type was dominant 74 % in males and 69 % in females .

  2. 观察项目:①5个头面部各指数:头长宽指数、头长高指数、头宽高指数、形态面指数、鼻指数。

    Observational items were ① 5 craniofacial indexes length-breadth index of the head length-height index of the head breadth-height index of the morphological facial index and nasal index .

  3. 上海市气象局日前正式发布“鼻腔清洗指数”,或称“洗鼻指数”,作为其健康气象指数之一,据称是全国首创。

    The nasal index , or " a daily index of nasal cleansing ", which was claimed to be the nation 's first , was released by the Shanghai Meteorological Bureau as one of its weather indices .

  4. 补气固表制剂对变应性鼻炎鼻黏膜细胞凋亡指数的双向调节作用

    An Experimental Study of Two-ways Regulation of BU QI GU BIAO on the Apoptosis in Nasal Mucosal of Allergic Rhinitis

  5. 结论新疆锡伯族鼻部特点:鼻根中等高度,鼻梁形状直形,鼻头上翘,鼻基部向前,鼻翼高度中等,鼻指数中等型。

    Conclusion The results of our survey indicate that nasal root height belongs to middle . Nasal profile is upright , Nasal tip is raise , Nasal base is ahead , Alae nasi height is middle , Nasal index is medium .