
  • 网络cross-sectional study;cross sectional study;cross-sectional research
  1. 短时记忆及其策略一生发展的横断研究

    A Cross-Sectional Study of STM Development in Life Span

  2. 六个英语介词习得研究:中国英语学习者介词意义发展横断研究

    Acquisition of Six English Prepositions : a Cross-sectional Study on Chinese EFL Learners ' Sense Development

  3. 对中国人群中III/2a型HCV高变区1序列变异规律的横断研究

    Cross study of sequence diversity in genotype III / 2a hepatitis C virus hypervariable region 1 of 38 Chinese patients

  4. 第二语言词汇知识习得:对意义及其搭配的横断研究

    A Cross-sectional Study on Word Meaning and Collocation in Second Language Vocabulary Knowledge Acquisition

  5. 实验方法融合了定量方法、定性方法和横断研究方法。

    Quantitative approach , qualitative approach and cross-sectional approach are employed in the present study .

  6. 在此基础上,设计另一个横断研究来探讨上司支持在缓解工作-家庭冲突中的作用。

    Therefore , we adopted a longitudinal study to test the relationship between different types of work-family conflict and burnout .

  7. 以横断研究方法探讨一生发展中搜索速度对短时记忆容量的影响。

    A cross-sectional study was conducted to explore the effect of searching rate on the life-span development of STM capacity .

  8. 研究使用横断研究设计和纵向研究设计,采用同伴提名法、问卷法,对武汉市一所小学3、4、5、6年级儿童进行了追踪调查。

    545 children in an elementary school from the third grade to the sixth grade , completed friend nomination , Friendship Quality Questionnaire , Children 's Loneliness Scale and Peer Rating , Cross-section design and longitudinal design were employed in the present study .

  9. 1992年以来中学生心理健康的变迁:一项横断历史研究

    Changes in Chinese Middle School Students ' Mental Health ( 1992 ~ 2005 ): A Cross-Temporal Meta-Analysis

  10. 本论文主要探讨两个主题,其一,以横断性研究调查探讨冠心病危险因子在各社会因子中的分布状况;

    There are two purposes in this study : First , we conducted a cross-sectional study to understand the relationship between CHD risk factors and social factors .

  11. 采用横断式研究,以187位有性经验之五专生为研究对象,采用无记名自填结构式问卷进行资料收集。

    This study used a cross-sectional design , in which data from a sample of187 junior college students with sexual experience were collected by an anonymous and self-administered questionnaire .

  12. 本横断性研究透过护理能力量表,分析全台工作满两年以上之两性护理人员及其主管对两性护理能力的评价,分析之资料共156笔。

    Up to156 data sets were collected from nurse supervisors , male and female nurses with two years or more work experience in hospital settings by using the Six-Dimension Scale of Nursing Competency .

  13. 创新点:提出信息场的概念,并以一种横断性研究方法探讨展示空间的形态、结构、组合与涵义,以及展示空间信息的传播等,从一个新的视角来深入研究展示设计。

    Innovation is clicked : Propose information on the concepts of field , and at each thwart quality probe into form , structure , making up and meaning to show space by research approach .

  14. 本研究采用横断法研究大学生习得名物化的规律、英语名物化发展顺序以及影响名物化习得的诸因素。

    The present research adopts a cross-sectional research method to investigate the shape of nominalization acquisition in university students , the developmental sequence of English nominalization , and the factors contributing to the acquisition of nominalization .

  15. 本研究在实证研究中尽管最大程度上控制了共同方法变异问题,但由于本文采取的横断式研究取向,使得在推广本文的结论时需要谨慎。

    Although this study maximize control over the problem of common method variance , but due to the orientation of the cross-sectional study taken in this paper , so we should be careful to generalize the conclusion of this article .

  16. 青年人际价值观的横断与纵向研究

    A Crossing and Longitudinal Study on Interpersonal Values of the Youth 's

  17. 建立中枢神经再生大鼠红核脊髓束横断模型的研究

    Establishment of Rubrospinal Tract Transection Model for Central Nerve System Regeneration in Rats

  18. 将横断与纵向研究相结合,对660名大学生进行了问卷调查。

    This study administered both cross-sectional and longitudinal questionnaire surveys on 660 university students .

  19. 足的横断层解剖学研究

    Transverse sectional anatomy of the human feet

  20. 采横断式相关性研究设计,以结构式问卷访谈北部某医学中心50名乳癌手术病人。

    A cross-sectional correlational study was conducted by interviewing 50 patients with structured questionnaire in a medical center in northern Taiwan .

  21. 当代基础研究可分为四大类:纯基础研究、横断性基础研究、应用基础研究、综合性基础研究。

    Contemporary basic research can be scientifically classified into four groups : pure basic research , intersect basic research , applying basic research and integrate basic research .

  22. 结论该方法具有可靠性和简便实用性,制备的红核脊髓束横断模型是研究中枢神经再生的良好模型。

    Conclusion The method is not only simple but also practicable and reliable , the RST transection model is good for the study of central nerve system regeneration .

  23. 猫红核脊髓束的体部定位&HRP法研究建立中枢神经再生大鼠红核脊髓束横断模型的研究

    SOMATOTOPICAL LOCALIZATION OF THE RUBROSPINAL TRACT IN THE CAT A STUDY WITH THE HRP METHOD Establishment of Rubrospinal Tract Transection Model for Central Nerve System Regeneration in Rats

  24. 确切的说,就是确定留学生所偏爱的动机信念和学习策略,探究这些信念和策略使用之间的关系,并调查汉语学习是否存在性别差异。这是一个横断的定量研究设计。

    Specifically , it was intended to ascertain their preferred motivational beliefs and strategies and to examine the relationship between these beliefs and strategy use as well as investigate whether there existed gender differences in their Chinese language learning . A cross-sectional quantitative research design was adopted .

  25. 心脏连续横断断层的解剖学研究

    A study on anatomy of the heart in serial transverse sections

  26. 康复训练修复大鼠脊髓半横断损伤的实验研究

    The Study of Rehabilitative Training Repair in Hemi - transected Spinal Cord Injury

  27. 采用横断临床流行病学调查研究方法,将符合研究标准的患者纳入研究对象。

    Using transection clinical epidemiology research methods . Meet the diagnostic criteria do not meet the exclusion criteria were included in the study .

  28. 脊髓去细胞支架复合人脐血间充质干细胞移植修复大鼠脊髓全横断损伤的实验研究

    The Experimental Research of Acellular Spinal Cord Scaffold Co-transplanted with Human Umbilical Cord Blood Mesenchymal Stem Cells on Treating Complete Transected Spinal Cord in Rats

  29. 重庆主城核心区地表温度与绿地乔木基干横断面积和相关性研究建设好市区中心大面积公共绿地(公园),建成50块1万平方米以上以乔木为主的大型绿地;

    Correlation between Land Surface Temperature and Sum of Basal Area in the Main Urban Area of Chongqing 50 large green areas made up of arbor trees , each covering more than 10,000 square meters , will be built in the downtown areas .