
  • 网络DIAPHRAGM;Bulkhead
  1. 基于以上程序,分析了翘曲衰减因子k1、横隔板、曲率对翘曲作用的影响。

    Based on the above procedures , the warpage attenuation factor kl , diaphragm , curvature effect on warping torsion are analyzed . 3 .

  2. 在横隔板设置处,畸变变形是非常微小的。

    In the places of diaphragm installation , the deformation is negligible .

  3. 纵隔板附近最大拉应力与荷载作用位置相关性很大,但是与荷载作用位置相对于U形肋的位置关联不是很大,其最不利位置一般在跨中或者横隔板上方。

    The effects of load position is very large on the maximum tensile stress near wash plate , but with the load position relative to the U rib location associated with relatively small . Then the most disadvantageous position generally is above diaphragm or mid-span .

  4. 论文运用大型通用有限元软件ANSYS建立基于板单元和实体单元的节段组合有限元模型,对钢箱梁顶、底板和横隔板等主要构件的受力和应力分布情况进行了详细分析。

    A partly finite element model using brick and plate element is developed by using large-scale general finite element software ANSYS , in order to study the member stress distribution of the main plates of steel box girder , such as top slab , bottom slab and vertical diaphragm .

  5. 一种新型扁平钢箱梁实腹式横隔板构造

    A New Construction of Solid-web Diaphragm Plate of Flat Steel Box Girder

  6. 钢板箱形梁的畸变与横隔板设置

    The Distortion and Diaphragms Installation of Steel Plate Box Girder

  7. 横隔板缺口形式对正交异性钢桥面板力学性能的影响

    Dynamical Influences of Diaphragm Gap to Orthotropic Steel Bridge Pavement

  8. 研究横隔板间距对悬挑箱梁畸变的影响。

    Research on Diaphragm Distance of Box Girder with Corrugated Steel Webs ;

  9. 横隔板对铁路预应力混凝土T梁横向动力性能的影响

    The Influence of Cross Slab on Transverse Dynamic Performance of Railway PC T Beam

  10. 采用汽油作燃料的内置横隔板定容燃烧室的开发与试验

    Development and Test of the Gasoline Fueled Constant Volume Combustion Chamber with Built-in Adaptor

  11. 无横隔板预应力混凝土箱梁桥整桥试验研究

    Study on the Whole Bridge Experiment of Box Girder Prestress Concrete Bridge Without Diaphragm

  12. 带横隔板开孔沉箱所受波浪力的研究

    Wave Forces on Perforated Caissons with Transverse Walls

  13. 横隔板间距对矩形截面薄壁杆件畸变的影响

    The Effect of Diaphragm Density on Distortion of Thin-Walled Bar with Rectangular Cross Section

  14. 长大悬索桥横隔板焊接变形的控制与矫正技术

    Control and correcting technology of distortions caused by welding of diaphragm of large suspension bridge

  15. 这些结构通常是斜交的,而横隔板则垂直于纵梁布置。

    These structures were usually skewed with the diaphragms placed perpendicular to the longitudinal girders .

  16. 箱形梁桥横隔板的特性

    Features of diaphragms of box girder

  17. 在曲箱梁中设置横隔板,可以改善箱梁受力性能,但设置过密横隔板会增加箱梁自重。

    A lateral diaphragm in the curved box beam can improve the force property of the beam .

  18. 桥梁的横隔板效应

    Cross Slab Effect of Bridge

  19. 因此,继续研究横隔板对钢板箱形梁畸变效应的影响规律,对于工程实践具有重要的指导意义。

    So it is significative to investigate the influence rule of diaphragm to distortion to project practice .

  20. 增设箱梁横隔板可以增大这种结构的横向抗弯刚度,改善其受力性能。

    Setting transverse diaphragm may remarkably increase the bending rigidity of the structure and improve its stress performance .

  21. 带横隔板圆柱绕流的三步有限元大涡模拟

    Large eddy simulation of flow past a circular cylinder with splitter plate based on three-step finite element method

  22. 女墙掉,未锚住屋横隔板冲墙,但倒塌却常见。

    Some parapets fell , and unanchored roof diaphragms punched out wall sections , but collapse was uncommon .

  23. 横隔板及角隅承托对薄壁曲线箱形梁剪力滞影响的研究

    The study of influence of the crossbeam and corner prop on shear-lag in the thin-wall curve box beams

  24. 一种求解斜向波与带横隔板双层开孔沉箱相互作用的方法

    A method to solve the interaction of oblique waves with infinite number of double-layered perforated caissons with traverse wall

  25. 横隔板的设置对两端简支钢板箱形梁畸变的影响分析

    Influence of the spacing of diaphragm plates on the distortion of simply supported box girder under uniformly distributed load

  26. 在工程实践中,设置横隔板被认为是减小畸变效应的有效方法。

    In engineering practice , the way of install diaphragms is regard as the most effective method to reduce distortion effects .

  27. 研究了一种横隔板的影响,这种横隔板应用在法国的一个典型的多跨度铁路桥梁上。

    These cross beams increase the cost of this type of bridge , because they require handling and welding on site .

  28. 但是,横隔板设置的密度和位置对整体平移道岔梁畸变效应的影响的相关研究还不够充分。

    But it is deficient that the distortion effect of sliding turnout girder is affected by the density and position of diaphragms .

  29. 推导出了各板梁子单元应变能,与横隔板、横隔墙应变能一起,组合得到了桥梁应变能。

    The strain energy of the bridges was composed of the deduced strain energy of plate beam elements , diaphragms and side walls .

  30. 本文所研究的上下行分层矮斜拉连续箱梁桥属于无横隔板的双层新型结构。

    In this thesis a new double decked , separating up and down vehicles , non-diaphragm and partially cable-stayed bridge structure is presented .