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  • 网络Cross kick;roundhouse kick;Turning kick;round house kick
  1. 跆拳道横踢技术的动作特点是快速有力且较易使用。

    This technique , with its fast and strong feature , is relatively easy to use .

  2. 跆拳道高水平运动员后横踢技术动作的肌力特征

    Characteristics of muscle strength in the technical move of backward cross-kicking made by high performance taekwondo players

  3. 跆拳道后腿横踢技术中上肢运动对动作结构影响的生物力学分析小腿上被踢了一脚。

    Analysis on Biomechanical Effect of the Upper Limbs Motion on Movement Construction in Tae Kwon Do Transverse Kicking ;

  4. 在跆拳道比赛中横踢技术最为常见,也是最主要的得分手段。

    At any taekwondo match , to kick horizontally is the technique , which is seen most commonly and the main means for scores .

  5. 身体重心的提高是通过支撑腿提踵和伸膝实现的,优秀运动员后横踢过程中支撑腿有向前滑行的总体趋势;

    Enhancing highness of the center of gravity through lifting heel and extending knee , there is a trend for support leg of excellent athletes to glide forward ;

  6. 而躯干的运动在跆拳道的横踢中主要是转动,这种转动对横踢动作起到协调和配合作用,有利提高横踢的打击效果。

    Turning is the main upper-limb sport at taekwondo horizontal kicking , which not only serves to keep coordinate and cooperate , but helps to improve the attacking effect .

  7. 第二,新规则和电子护具使用后,在技术运用总体特征上并无明显变化,横踢还是主要得分技术,下劈技术和推踢技术得分率明显提高。

    Secondly , in the contests which new rules and PSS is used , there is no obvious change in technique application . Cross-kicking remains the main score-getting technique ; Rising Kick and Push Kick scoring rate are up dramatically .

  8. 第四,新规则和电子护具使用后第四局比赛时,主动进攻和击头获胜的意识增强,获胜技术的种类增加,横踢技术的地位被削弱。

    Fourthly , in the fourth round which new rules and PSS are used , the awareness of active attacking and head-striking victory is strengthened . There is also increase in the kinds of victory techniques while Cross-kicking position is weakened .

  9. 认为进攻腿的打击速度,肌肉对骨杠杆的动力矩,肢体相对转轴的转动惯量以及躯干的协调与配合等方面,是影响横踢打击效果的较为重要的因素。

    It is found that the speed of the attacking leg , the motive moment of the muscle on the bone level , the rotating inertia of body relative axle and the coordination of the limbs are the most important factors influencing the attacking results .