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  • 网络Axe Kick;Cut With A Downward Blow;downward kick
  1. 第二,新规则和电子护具使用后,在技术运用总体特征上并无明显变化,横踢还是主要得分技术,下劈技术和推踢技术得分率明显提高。

    Secondly , in the contests which new rules and PSS is used , there is no obvious change in technique application . Cross-kicking remains the main score-getting technique ; Rising Kick and Push Kick scoring rate are up dramatically .

  2. 在一定条件下能级劈裂有利于原子偶级压缩的产生。

    Atomic energy level splitting is helpful to dipole squeezing generation under certain conditions .

  3. 高地应力条件下围岩劈裂破坏的力学机理及其能量分析模型研究

    Study on Mechanical Mechanism and Energy Analysis Model of Splitting Failure in High Geostress

  4. 系统地探讨了有侧应力作用时,混凝土在不同加载速率下的劈拉强度规律。

    The effect of loading rate on concrete splitting tensile strength for different lateral stresses is studied .

  5. 另一类是深埋长隧道中,地下水在高强度水头压力作用下的劈裂效应。

    The groundwater squeezed out from closed fissures on the tunnel face under the action of high static water pressure and the fissures were widened gradually .

  6. 通过对岩石在单轴受荷条件下和劈裂过程中的声波数据的处理,表明加权波谱参数随应力的变化具有极强的规律性。

    The data processing of rock acoustic signals under uniaxial loading and Brazillian loading shows that there is a good relationship between weight spectrum parameters and stresses .

  7. 但同等配合比条件下RAC的劈裂抗拉强度均低于基准混凝土。

    Nevertheless , tensile splitting strength of RAC was always lower than that of control concrete at the identical mix proportions .

  8. 提出了类似土层条件下的启劈压力的经验值。

    The empirical value of the " splitting-opening pressure " was put forward under similar condition of the soil layer .

  9. 然后,利用真三轴试验仪进行了非饱和粘性土三维应力状态下的水力劈裂试验。

    Then , a hydrofracture apparatus adapted to the true triaxial instrument is developed , and hydraulic fracturing test is carried out on compacted and unsaturated clayey soil under tridimensional stress state .

  10. TM平面波照射下无限大导电劈表面的非均匀电流

    Nonuniform currents on a conducting wedge illuminated by a TM plane wave

  11. 具体的研究结果如下:(1)对于掺Mn的GaN(0001)磁性材料的研究,上下自旋带产生劈裂。

    Some results are as the following : ( 1 ) When Mn is doped in GaN , the bands of spin-up and spin-down are split .

  12. 温度对于交换作用下的能带劈裂的影响

    The Effect of Temperature on Energy Band with Exchange Interaction

  13. 高水位运行下高土坝的劈裂灌浆施工实践

    Construction Work of Splitting-grouting in A High Earth Dam Running With High-water Level

  14. 迅即而下的斧头,劈得他颅骨开裂,却没有血液流出。

    Quickly down the ax , Pide cracking his skull , but no blood flow .

  15. 本文根据土体在平而应变状态下的的应力&应变关系、大变形理论,建立了平面应变条件下土体劈裂灌浆压力的设计计算理论,推导出设计计算公式。

    Based on stress-strain relationship with respect to plane strain state of soil and the theory of large deformation , this thesis provided the design calculation theory of the soil splitting grouting pressure under the condition of plane strain ; moreover , the design formulas were obtained as well .