
xià zhōnɡ nónɡ
  • lower-middle peasant
下中农 [xià zhōng nóng]
  • [lower-middle peasant] 占有较少生产资料,需要出卖少量劳动力,生活水平比较低下的中农

  1. 如果党不给以批评,它就会使许多贫农和下中农感到迷惑。百分之七十的贫农中,又分赤贫、次贫二类。

    Many a poor or lower-middle peasant would have been confused if the Party had not refuted this truism . The 70 per cent , the poor peasants , may be sub-divided into two categories , the utterly destitute and the less destitute .

  2. 贫下中农协会述论

    A Review of the Poor and Lower-middle Peasants ' Associations

  3. 广大的贫农和下中农欢迎合作社。

    The masses of the poor and lower-middle peasants welcome the co-operatives .

  4. 农业合作化必须依靠党团员和贫农下中农

    Rely on party and League members and poor and lower-middle peasants in the co-operative transformation of Agriculture

  5. 是绝大多数贫农和下中农,他们占农村人口百分之七十以上。

    The overwhelming majority of the poor and lower-middle peasants who constitute more than 70 per cent of the rural population .

  6. 第三才是依靠一般贫农和两部分下中农的广大群众。

    Third , we should then rely on the masses , on the poor peasants and the two sections of lower-middle peasants .

  7. 贫农包括现在的贫农和原来是贫农的新下中农委员的人数应当占到三分之二左右。

    The other two-thirds should be poor peasants including the present-day poor peasants and the new lower-middle peasants who were formerly poor peasants .

  8. 请来贫下中农的代表作报告,诉说解放前的苦难生活。

    Then a representative of the poor and lower middle class peasants would give us a report , telling of his miserable life before liberation .

  9. 在农民中,不要轻易去找富裕中农做朋友,要找贫农、下中农做朋友。

    Among the peasants don 't too readily make friends with the well-to-do middle peasants but seek your friends among the poor and lower-middle peasants .

  10. 生产资料少一点也可以组织合作社,很多贫农和下中农组织的合作社已经证明了。

    Co-operatives can be organized even with scanty means of production , as has been proved by the many co-operatives organized by poor and lower-middle peasants .

  11. 公与私、个人与集体、贫下中农与地主富农、走这条路与走那条路是农业合作化叙事的主题。

    The main subjects of agricultural narrative were the following contradictions : private or public , individual or collective , poor lower-middle peasants or landlords rich peasants , going this way or that way .

  12. 20世纪60年代出现的贫下中农协会,是共和国历史上存续时间最长的一个农民群众组织。

    The Poor and Lower-middle peasants ' association , which appeared in the 1960s , were mass organizations of peasants lasting the longest period of time in the history of the People 's Republic of China .

  13. 不是的。农民中有富农、中农、贫农三种。为了建立贫农和新下中农在领导方面的优势,某些富裕中农迟一点加入合作社反而是有利的。

    In order to establish the dominant position of the poor and new lower-middle peasants in the leading bodies , it may well prove to be an advantage if some of the well-to-do middle peasants join the co-operatives a little later .