
xià jiá
  • Lower cheek;jowl
下颊[xià jiá]
  1. 常规麻醉,暴露面神经的上下颊支,并在其周围注射相应的药物,A组左侧注射平阳霉素,B组左侧注射消痔灵,两组右侧注射生理盐水。

    After routine anesthesia , expose the superior and inferior buccal branches of the facial nerve and inject corresponding drugs , the left side of group A is given PYM and the left side of group B is given Xiaozhiling , the right side of both groups are given NS .

  2. 结果:面动脉分别发出后颊支、下颊支和前颊支进入颊肌,后颊支与颊动脉相互吻合。

    Results : Originating from the facial artery , posterior buccal branch , inferior buccal branch and anterior buccal branch enter into the buccinator muscle .

  3. 所有兔右侧面区切断面神经上颊支,其远心端吻合到外膜开窗的下颊支侧壁,行端侧神经吻合;

    The upper-cheek branches of facial nerve on right sides of all the rabbits were transected , and then its distal end was sutured to the low-cheek branch nerve with epineurial window in an end-to-side anastomosis .

  4. 增殖性细胞核抗原(PCNA)在正常、良性、癌前病变及癌变状态下口腔颊部粘膜上皮中的分布

    Distribution and analysis of proliferating cell nucle - ar antigen ( PCNA ) in normal , benign , premalignant and malignant lesions of cheek mucosa

  5. 简易半固定舌弓矫治下磨牙颊舌向倾斜错位

    Correction of linguoclination or buccoclination of the mandibular molar with simple semi - fixed lingual arch

  6. 【方法】采用人离体下颌骨作为模型,在垂直脱位力作用下,测试颊侧短固位臂-远中邻面板硬固位体的固位力,并与Aker卡环比较。

    Methods This study tested the retentive force of short buccal retentive arm distal guiding plate hard retainer under vertical dislodging force on a human mandible , and compared it with that of Akers clasp .

  7. 落日的辉映下打的双颊羞红,像一颗熟透的果子,准备着夜色来收获。

    Flushed with the glow of sunset earth seems like a ripe fruit ready to be harvested by night .

  8. 口腔中好发部位按序为舌、上下牙龈、颊、腭、上下颌骨、口底,舌癌已跃居首位。

    Mouth predilection sites in sequence as the tongue , upper and lower gums , cheek , palate , upper and lower jaw , floor of the mouth , tongue cancer has leapt to the top .

  9. 结果:12例头颈部根治性放疗的恶性肿瘤,包括鼻咽、上颌窦、口咽、腮腺、下牙龈、颊、磨牙后区、腭、舌、腭垂、扁桃体、口底恶性肿瘤各1例。

    RESULTS : Twelve patients with head and neck tumor involved typical different anatomical regions were studied , including nasopharynx , maxilla , oropharynx , parotid glands , gingival , mandible , cheek , palate , tongue , uvula , tonsil and floor of mouth .

  10. 下干分支以颊支(B)、下颌缘支(M)、颈支(C)即(BMC)为主85侧,占77.98%;

    Most branches of inferrior trunk were Buccal branch , Marginal mandibular branch ( M ), Cervical branch ( C ), for short BMC , which took 85 sides ( 77.98 % ) .

  11. 在下颌孔下5mm断面距颊侧骨面的距离为4.44±2.38mm。

    Thickness of the buccal side bone is 4.44 ± 2.38 mm at 5 mm below the mandibular foramen .

  12. 牙龈卟啉单胞菌在龈下菌斑和颊黏膜中的检测

    Detection of Porphyromonas gingivalis in Buccal Epithelial Cells and Subgingival Plaque

  13. 局麻下在种植部位颊侧作保留龈乳头梯形切口。

    Trapezoidal incision with preservation of papilla was used in the buccal side of the implant site under local anesthesia .

  14. 伴放线放线杆菌在慢性牙周炎和侵袭性牙周炎患者龈下菌斑及颊粘膜的分布研究

    The Occurrence of Actinobacillus Actinomycetem - comitans in Buccal Mucosa and Subgingival Plaque from the Chronic and Aggressive Periodontitis Patients

  15. 除髁突、下颌角复杂骨折和下颌升支高位骨折采取口外颌下小切口结合颊部小切口利用穿颊器械打钉固定外,均采用口内前庭切口,避免术后感染。

    Except that condylar fracture , complex mandibular angle and high mandibular ramus fracture , we take buccal small incision combined with small incision use wear buccal instrument playing nail fixed outside , we always use the internal approach , avoid postoperative infection .

  16. 对上、下磨牙、下前磨牙设颊、舌侧麻醉组(双侧麻醉组)与上述同名牙的单侧麻醉组对照。

    Maxillary , mandibular molars and mandibular premolar were respectively divided into two groups , one underwent submucous infiltration anaesthesia via the labial or buccal and lingual sides ( double sides anaesthesia ), the other underwent single side anaesthesia .

  17. 目的:本研究的目的是在利用电脑断层影像来探讨台湾人的下齿槽神经与下齿槽神经之颊舌侧关系的集合构造,结果可供下腭植牙的临床资讯参考。

    Objective The objective of this study is to investigate the geometrical characteristics on inferior alveolar nerve and the relationship of inferior alveolar nerve along with lingual side and buccal sides in Taiwanese with using a CT scanner .