
xià lián
  • Xialian
下廉[xià lián]
  1. 在此大背景下,廉租住房制度的建立与完善显得特别重要。

    Under this background , the establishment and perfection of the low-rent housing system presents especially important .

  2. 在房价快速攀升的社会背景下,廉租房作为政府提供给特殊困难群体的公共服务产品,以其相对低廉的使用价格为社会公众所欢迎。

    Prices artificially high in the social context , low-rent housing provided by the Government as the special difficulties of public service products , the use of its relatively low price , welcome to the public .

  3. 市场经济条件下反腐倡廉机制的研究

    Study of Anti-Corruption Mechanism under Market Economic Conditions

  4. 第四部分运用唯物辩证法和唯物史观,结合本国国情,针对新形势下反腐倡廉建设提出一些建议。

    The fourth part USES the dialectical materialism and historical materialism , combined with its national conditions , puts forward some Suggestions to combat corruption and build a clean government construction under the new situation .

  5. 因此,笔者果断选择新形势下反腐倡廉问题研究作为自己学位论文的题目,希望能对以后的反腐倡廉建设贡献一份力量。

    Therefore , the author determined choice under the new situation anti ‐ corruption studies as a who is the title of dissertation , hope could contribute to the construction of anti ‐ corruption after a true power .