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shàng lián
  • Shanglian
上廉[shàng lián]
  1. 脉冲波型断续波、合谷刺法、针刺上廉、外关穴为本临床研究的最佳治疗方案。

    Intermittent pulse type wave , Hegu needling , acupuncture on the cheap , point-based clinical study of foreign relations the best treatment .

  2. 但中国制造业产品在国际市场上价格廉、档次低,在产业价值链中处于末端。

    However , the cheap and poor-leveled products made China always in the end of the global value chain .

  3. 本文首先对国内外廉租住房制度中的供给模式及其演变过程进行分析研究,在此基础上对廉租住房的供给模式进行了合理分类,提出了六种不同的廉租住房供给模式。

    Then in this basis , we reasonable classify the low-rent housing accommodate mode , and bring forward six sort of low-rent housing accommodate mode .

  4. 强化政府道德责任有助于深化理解政治文明理论,从根本上防腐倡廉。

    The aggrandizement of governmental moral responsibility helps to understand deeply the theory of political civilization and to put an end once and for all to the corruption .

  5. 这一章在以上章节的基础上提出加大廉租房的财政力度,拓宽资金供给渠道,扩大廉租房财政保障范围,建立合理的财政补贴模式等促进廉租房建设的财政政策目标选择和政策取向。

    This chapter raises many useful suggestions on the basis of above sections . For example , increasing the financial strength of fiscal policies of the low-rent houses ' construction , broadening capital supply channels , expanding the safeguard limits , establishing a rational financial subsidies mode and so on .

  6. 针对城镇住房弱势群体而展开探讨,在分析其现有住房保障政策的基础上得出了推行廉租房制度的结论。

    This paper analyzes the urban vulnerable groups in house needs , as well as housing security policy ; the conclusion is to carry out low-rent house system .

  7. 最后,根据传统廉租房的基础上,提出新型廉租房的概念,通过对地方政府和房地产开发商的矩阵博弈分析,建议政府要积极参与建设廉租房,同时积极鼓励开发商参与。

    By the matrix game analysis between local governments and property developers , it suggested that the government should actively participate in construction , and actively encourage developers participate .