
shàng yóu
  • Oiling;apply oil
上油[shàng yóu]
  1. 将6个容量为150毫升(5至6液盎司)的烤盘涂上油。

    Grease 6 ramekin dishes of 150 ml ( 5-6 fl oz ) capacity .

  2. 把稍稍上油的防油纸衬在罐子内部,确保各角都铺平整。

    Line a tin with lightly-greased greaseproof paper , making sure the corners fit well .

  3. 轮轴发涩,该上油了。

    The axle doesn 't work smoothly . It needs oiling .

  4. 工人给机器上油以使机器运转更有效。

    The worker oils the machine to operate it more efficiently .

  5. 我的自行车生锈了,需要上油

    My bike has rusted and needs oil .

  6. 某油田V上油组注采调整方案

    Adjusting injection-production plan for V oil group in XX oil field

  7. 3.rustn.铁锈vt/vi(使)生锈.割草机布满了锈。我的自行车生锈了,需要上油。

    The mower is covered with My bike has d and needs oil

  8. 油辊上油方式生产直纺涤纶细旦FDY的工艺探讨

    Discussion on direct spinning process of fine denier FDY with roller oiling

  9. 上油方式对涤纶长丝FDY生产的影响

    The Influence of Oiling System on Polyester FDY

  10. 超亮光异形截面FDY上油工艺研究

    Investigation on Oiling of Super-bright Profiled FDY

  11. 在系统研究V上油组注采关联性基础上,结合水淹状况、注水现状、能量分布状况、剩余油分布以及注水结构等编制了注采调整方案。

    At last , based on the injection-production relationship and considering with water invasion , injection , distributing of energy and remaining oil and injection structure , the paper made a injection-production adjusting plan .

  12. NPR的马丁·卡斯特报道,在新泽西北部,人们需要排几个小时的队才能加上油。

    NPR 's Martin Kaste says in northern New Jersey , people wait for hours to buy it .

  13. 基于POCKETPC环境下掌上油液监测系统的设计和实现

    The Palm Oil Monitor System Design Application Base on the PocketPC Environment

  14. 提高MurataNo.336加弹机上油率的技术改造

    The technological improvement of the oiling rate on texturing machine Murata no.336

  15. 探讨了在常规POY纺丝机上开发涤纶微细旦纤维影响条干均匀性的因素。重点讨论了侧吹风、集束上油位置对细微旦纤维条干的影响。

    Factors that affect the yarn evenness of PET microfilament developed with normal POY spinning machine especially the lateral blow and gather oiling position were discussed .

  16. 将CDP切片和PET切片进行比较,从CDP切片的干燥、纺丝温度、侧吹风、组件、上油和牵伸卷绕等方面阐述了稳定生产的关键条件。

    By comparision between PET and CDP chips , the key conditions , such as chips dry , melting , package , cooling , oiling and drawing , are gotten for stable production .

  17. 结合熔体输送、纺丝温度、纺丝组件、缓冷器应用、冷却、集束及上油工艺条件,在常规熔体直接纺生产线上成功地生产出高质量微细旦POY。

    Combined with the melt transfer , spinning temperature , spinning package , quench air blow , cluster and the finish process conditions , high quality of micro-fine denier POY could be successfully produced on convention melt direct spinning production line .

  18. 介绍了138dtex/96f涤纶细旦POY的生产技术,并对纺前切片要求、干燥、熔体过滤、纺丝温度、喷丝孔径、侧吹风、集束上油、纺丝速度等工艺进行了详细的探讨。

    Technology of producing micro-POY 138dtex / 96f polyester is introduced . The process factors are discussed such as the polymer chip selection and drying , melt filtration , spinning temperature , spinneret diameter , quenching lateral blow and tow collecting oiling technologies etc.

  19. 在对44dtex/12fFDY长丝进行产品开发时,通过对喷丝板、纺丝速度、上油方式、拉伸定型等工艺条件进行调整,解决了44dtex/12f产品的生产不稳定、产品等级率低的问题。

    For development of 44 dtex / 12 f FDY , the technology conditions such as the spinneret , spinning speed , oiling style , drawing and setting were adjusted . The problems of unsteady production condition , low grade product rate were solved .

  20. 介绍了在FDY设备上纺制POY的生产技术,讨论了丝束集束上油的形式、丝束在两辊上的缠绕形式及纺丝速度对POY可纺性及质量的影响。

    The technology for spinning POY on FDY device was introduced . The effects of the method and position of bundling oiling and the wrap way of yarns around GR 1 and GR 2 on the spinnability and the quality of POY were also discussed .

  21. 石油巨头正越来越多地使用中海油服和awilco等公司制造的深水平台,因为容易开采的陆上油气资源正在枯竭,迫使它们勘探更远的水域。

    Oil majors are increasingly using deepwater rigs such as those produced by COSL and Awilco , as the " easy " onshore resources are depleted , forcing them to explore further afield .

  22. A-60日本复合油剂的附着性、丝束上油效果、丝束加工性能最好,17-20油剂次之,100国产复合油剂最差。

    The Japanese composite finish A-60 offered the best adhesion , oil pick up and tow processability , the finish 17-20 took the second place , and the home-made composite finish 100 was the worst .

  23. 介绍了在进口锦纶高速纺生产线上生产40dtex/10f黑色锦纶6POY的生产工艺,并对切片及色母粒质量、纺丝温度、熔体过滤、侧吹风、上油、卷绕工艺进行讨论。

    The high-speed spinning process of 40 dtex / 10f black PA6 POY with imported equipment was introduced . Discussions were made on the polymer chips , masterbatch , spinning temperature , melt filtration , quenching lateral blow , spin finish and winding .

  24. 在浙江大学试验台架上油煤混合燃料的制备和输送的试验研究

    Experimental Investigation of Preparation and Handling of COM in Zhejiang University

  25. 如果你给这把锁涂上油,转动起来就容易多了。

    If you grease the lock it will turn more easily .

  26. 多萝西急忙取出油罐,给他的脸上涂上油。

    Dorothy quickly got out the oil-can and oiled his face .

  27. 在开机器之前不可忽略(忘了)给机器上油。

    Do not neglect to oil the machine before operating it .

  28. 仅在即将安装密封圈之前上油。

    Oil the sealing rings only immediately prior to fitting them .

  29. 加弹机上油装置的分析与比较

    The Analysis and Comparison of Oiling Devices of Draw Texturing Machine

  30. 把文件藏到蛋糕里,给螺丝上油?

    Hide a file in a cake and grease the screws ?