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  • Xiajuxu;【中医】xiàjùx
  1. 目的采用磁共振脑功能成像(fMRI)技术与针刺经络穴位相结合的方法来观察足阳明胃经上的足三里穴、下巨虚穴在大脑皮层功能区的分布位置。

    Objective To study the functional areas of Zusanli ( ST36 ) and Xiajuxu ( ST39 ) in the cerebral cortex with fMRI and acupuncture stimulation .

  2. 针刺下巨虚穴对大脑中动脉(MCA)末端的血管阻力有影响,但是没有明显的后遗效应。

    Acupuncture could raise the resistance of blood vessel of the terminal middle cerebral artery when the Xiajuxu points were treated , but the residual effect of acupuncture was not obvious .

  3. 核黄和快蓝逆行荧光双标记研究发现,少数L3、L4脊神经节细胞可分支支配足三里及下巨虚穴区皮下组织。

    Using retrograde fluorescein double-labelling method , we found that a few of DRG neurons at segments L3 and L4 could collaterally innervate subcutaneous tissues of the area of " Zusanli " and " Xiajuxu " acupoints .

  4. 目的观察针刺胃经上的下合穴&足三里、上巨虚、下巨虚治疗十二指肠溃疡的疗效,并探讨这3个下合穴治疗十二指肠溃疡的相对特异性。

    Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of the three Lower He ( sea ) points , e.g , Zusanli ( ST 36 ), Shangjuxu ( ST 37 ) and Xiajuxu ( ST 39 ), in the treatment of the duodenal ulcer and investigate the specificity of the three points .