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  1. 论文首先根据野外人工模拟降雨入渗试验的实测资料,拟合得到了用于描述降雨条件下神府东胜矿区各种下垫面坡面入渗过程的Horton型入渗方程;

    In the paper , based on the observed data of the field simulated rainfall infiltration experiments , the Horton infiltration models , which were suitable for describing rationally the rainfall infiltration processes on the several land surface slopes mentioned above , were fitted .

  2. 你用棍杖打他,是救他的灵魂免下阴府。

    Thou shalt beat him with the rod , and deliver his soul from hell .

  3. 微波辐射下神府煤的催化加氢

    Microwave-assisted hydrogenation of Shenfu coal

  4. 第二,通过对区域发展下中国府际关系的发展与变革的梳理,总结未来中国区域治理的趋势。

    Second , by combing the development of intergovernmental relations in the regional development and change , summed up the trend of the future of regional governance .

  5. 结果表明,在溶胀时间为2h,煤/溶比为0.05,温度为80℃的溶胀条件下,神府煤在苯胺中的平衡溶胀度达到最大。

    The results show that the maximum degree of equilibrium swelling of SFC is obtained under the conditions of 80 ℃, 2 h and 0.05 g / mL of coal vs solvent .

  6. 高碳转化率下热解神府煤焦-CO2高温气化反应性

    Gasification reactivity of rapid and slow pyrolyzed Shenfu chars with CO_2 at high carbon conversions and elevated temperatures

  7. 然而你要与伊甸的诸树一同下到阴府,在未受割礼的人中,与被杀的人一同躺卧。

    Yet shalt thou be brought down with the trees of Eden unto the nether parts of the earth : thou shalt lie in the midst of the uncircumcised with them that be slain by the sword .

  8. 把他们下在护卫长府内的监里、就是约瑟被囚的地方。

    So he put them in confinement in the house of the captain of the bodyguard , in the jail , the same place where Joseph was imprisoned .